Article ID: CBB147335106

Ludovico Settala, il protomedico de I promessi sposi. Una nota di storia della medicina (2024)


Sometimes it happens that a literary masterpiece brings long-forgotten medical figures back to light. This is what Manzoni does in I promessi sposi when he gives a name and a face to the protophysician of Milan during the plague of 1630. Among the few doctors still alive to have fought the previous epidemic in1576, Ludovico Settala (1552-1633) has already written a lot about the disease. It is therefore not surprising the promptness with which he identifies the new first cases, as well as the intrepidity with which he reacts to the disbelief of others. Although still linked to the humoral theory, his works are struck by the faith in experience, the refined semiotics, the extensive bo-tanical-therapeutic culture and the preventive hygiene advice. With this, Settala reveals himself as a key medical figure of transition towards modernity.

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Authors & Contributors
Calabi, Donatella
Cerasoli, Giancarlo
Cohn, Samuel K., Jr.
Ingaliso, Luigi
Katinis, Teodoro
Naso, Irma
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia
Atti e Memorie, Rivista di Storia della Farmacia
Medicina Historica
Nuova Rivista di Storia della Medicina
Carocci Editore
Cierre edizioni
Oxford University Press
Public health
Medicine and society
Medicine and politics
Boccaccio, Giovanni
Ficino, Marsilio
Ingrassia, Giovanni Filippo
Leonardo da Vinci
Petrarca, Francesco
Ripamonti, Giuseppe
Time Periods
17th century
16th century
15th century
18th century
Milan (Italy)
Tuscany (Italy)
Venice (Italy)
Bologna (Italy)

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