Article ID: CBB145568341

Origin Narratives of the Tibetan Medical Tradition (2017)


The three excerpts translated below were selected from two of the earliest sources depicting the origins of medicine in Tibet. Despite their differences in terms of detail, style, and genre, each narrative emphasizes the Buddhist origins of either the Tibetan medical tradition itself, the tradition of canonical Buddhist medicine that was transmitted from India to Tibet, or even the entire field of healing knowledge. Read separately, each narrative promotes a distinct account of the origin and transmission of medical knowledge among mythical, legendary, and historical figures in India and Tibet. Read together, however, these three accounts depict attempts at the reconciliation of several competing narratives that were developing in the medical schools of twelfth- and thirteenth-century Tibet and that continue to affect the representation of the Tibetan medical tradition today.

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Authors & Contributors
Gyatso, Janet
Akasoy, Anna
Baker, Ian A.
Chou, Wen-shing
Craig, Sienna R.
Cuomu, Mingji
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity
Micrologus: Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies
History of Religions
Journal of Asian Studies
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
History of Science in South Asia
Columbia University
University of Washington Press
Columbia University Press
Duke University Press
University of California Press
Medicine and religion
East Asia, civilization and culture
Science and religion
Saṅs-rgya-rgya-mtsho, Sde-srid
Orgyenpa Rinchenpel
Time Periods
17th century
13th century
19th century
16th century
18th century
20th century
Persia (Iran)

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