Article ID: CBB138104560

Grappling with the Ancients: Petrarca and the Problem of Science in On ignorance (2023)


Petrarca's On Ignorance, often regarded as exemplifying humanism's manifesto against Medieval learning, deserves further study as an essay on the nature, foundations, and limits of human knowledge, including the natural disciplines. The thoughts constituting the text undoubtedly took shape under the influence of opposing views regarding the knowledge enterprise: Greco-Roman philosophy and science on the one hand, and Christian morals on the other. To situate Petrarca's views in the development of Medieval and Renaissance theories of science, this article first surveys past literature and considers anew the religious values at the core of the poet's statements. The article also attempts to fill a lacuna in existing studies by examining the question of skepticism in the text. Comparisons with some predecessors in the transmission of skepticism since Antiquity will enable further understanding on Petrarca's epistemological outlook. [Publisher's text]

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Authors & Contributors
Allocca, Nunzio
Bacchelli, Franco
Burneko, Guy Christian
Ciliberto, Michele
Guerrini, Luigi
Hissette, Roland
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies
Franco Angeli
Hampton Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
Peter Lang
Science and religion
Science and literature
Natural philosophy
Galilei, Galileo
Bessarion (Cardinal Bishop)
Boccaccio, Giovanni
Calvino, Italo
Marsilius, Padua
Time Periods
Early modern
17th century
20th century, late
14th century
Alexandria (Egypt)
United States

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