Book ID: CBB136760743

Natura, psiche e cultura. Dal “ragazzo selvaggio” all’etnopsicoanalisi (2021)


Cerea, Alessandra (Author)

Editrice Bibliografica

Publication Date: 2021
Physical Details: 160 pp.
Language: Italian

Che cosa caratterizza la natura umana? Siamo il frutto della biologia, dell’ambiente socio-culturale che ci circonda oppure del nostro passato, della nostra storia familiare e personale? E, ancora, come studiarla? Con quale “metodo”? Seguendo il filo di queste domande, il volume ripercorre la storia degli studi sul rapporto tra natura, psiche e cultura che ha caratterizzato la storia delle scienze dell’uomo sin dalla loro nascita, prendendone in considerazione le figure più rappresentative e le tappe più importanti che, dal caso emblematico del “ragazzo selvaggio” dell’Aveyron (1798), hanno portato alla nascita dell’etnopsicoanalisi negli anni Sessanta del Novecento. Vengono così analizzati i nodi epistemologici e le controversie scientifiche principali che nel corso del XIX e XX secolo hanno contrassegnato il dialogo tra psichiatria, psicologia, psicoanalisi, etnologia e antropologia. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… What characterizes human nature? Are we the result of biology, of the socio-cultural environment that surrounds us or of our past, of our family and personal history? And, again, how to study it? With what "method"? Following the thread of these questions, the volume traces the history of studies on the relationship between nature, psyche and culture that has characterized the history of the human sciences since their birth, taking into consideration the most representative figures and the most important stages that , from the emblematic case of the “wild boy” of Aveyron (1798), led to the birth of ethnopsychoanalysis in the 1960s. Thus the epistemological issues and the main scientific controversies that have marked the dialogue between psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis, ethnology and anthropology are analyzed.]

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Authors & Contributors
Chappey, Jean-Luc
Cole, Sally Cooper
Croft, Julian
Darnell, Regna
Delille, Emmanuel
Ellenberger, Henri-Frédéric
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Ethnohistory: Journal of the American Society for Ethnohistory
History of Psychiatry
Journal of Pacific History
Journal of the History of Ideas
Otechestvennaia istoriia
University of Nebraska Press
Berghahn Books
Columbia University Press
Duke University Press
Cultural anthropology
Definition of human; human nature
Social sciences
Boas, Franz
De Martino, Ernesto
Douglas, Mary
Fromm, Erich
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
18th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
United States
Islands of the Pacific
Great Britain
Cambridge University

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