Article ID: CBB135983698

Facts, policies, and values? The democratic triad: Technology for restoring civil discourse and civic dignity [Editorial] (March 2019)


Facts, policies, and values are characteristics that impact government policies, societal values, education and learning, and a whole range of the way people and societies interact with one another. Argues that the emergence of new computer and information technologies since the 1970s through the current explosion of online access to global audiences and media outlets has radically changed the political, economic, and cultural landscapes to the detriment of society. Such change led to a diminished respect for the facts, a decrease in political discourse, and lack of critical thinking and analysis. The mass market audience is subject to media manipulation, questionable facts, targeted messaging, false advertising, and a lack of values. "Perhaps most importantly, through private ownership of both the media and the means of social coordination, their power is used to dominate information dissemination. In this way, klepto-kakistocrats create an entrenched establishment and compliant media that frames politics and opinion in such a way that they can accumulate greater wealth, more power, rig markets with greater impunity, and so on. However: this too will pass. It will either end in tears or in jail terms, but in the aftermath, restoring respect for the facts, values, and dialogues in policy formation and decision-making will be a significant, but necessary challenge to address." Hopefully, technology can be developed to counter these negative influences and developed and used in such a way that improves society.

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Authors & Contributors
Jeremy Pitt
Tom Kane
Asaro, Peter M.
Berne, Rosalyn W.
Johnson, Deborah G.
MacKenzie, Donald A.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Journal of Canadian Studies
Public Understanding of Science
Social Studies of Science
MIT Press
Oxford University Press
Polity Press
Society for the History of Technology and the American Historical Association
ICFAI University Press
Technology and ethics
Technology and government
Methods of communication; media
Technology and society
Public policy
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, late
17th century
18th century
19th century
20th century
United States
Great Britain
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