Roberto Buonanno (Author)
In this fascinating book, the author traces the careers, ideas, discoveries, and inventions of two renowned scientists, Athanasius Kircher and Galileo Galilei, one a Jesuit, the other a sincere man of faith whose relations with the Jesuits deteriorated badly. The Author documents Kircher’s often intuitive work in many areas, including translating the hieroglyphs, developing sundials, and inventing the magic lantern, and explains how Kircher was a forerunner of Darwin in suggesting that animal species evolve. Galileo’s work on scales, telescopes, and sun spots is mapped and discussed, and care is taken to place his discoveries within their cultural environment. While Galileo is without doubt the “winner” in the comparison with Kircher, the latter achieved extraordinary insights by unconventional means. For all Galileo’s fine work, the author believes that scientists do need to regain the power of dreaming, vindicating Kirchner’s view.
...MoreReview Br Guy Consolmagno (2015) Review of "The Stars of Galileo Galilei and the Universal Knowledge of Athanasius Kircher". Journal of Jesuit Studies (pp. 502-505).
Essay Review
Boschiero, Luciano;
Spotting the Sun: A Translation and Analysis of Three Early Seventeenth-Century Works on Sunspots
Mayer, Thomas F.;
The Censoring of Galileo's Sunspot Letters and the First Phase of His Trial
Essay Review
Franco Giudice;
Only a Matter of Credit? Galileo, the Telescopic Discoveries, and the Copernican System
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Renata Ago;
Suggestioni per la storia sociale: distanza geografica, incompletezza delle informazioni e segretezza nella comunicazione scientifica di Galileo
Galilei, Galileo;
Reeves, Eileen;
Helden, Albert Van;
Scheiner, Christoph;
On Sunspots
Essay Review
Boulier, Philippe;
The Debate on Sunspots
Maurizio Torrini;
Da Galileo a Kircher: percorsi della scienza gesuitica
Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia;
Matteo Ricci and the Catholic Mission to China, 1583–1610: A Short History with Documents
Volker R. Remmert;
The Jesuit theologian Jean Lorin on the Festa Galileana of 1611
Luís Miguel Carolino;
Between Galileo's Celestial Novelties and Clavius's astronomical legacy: The Cosmology of the Jesuit Giovanni Paolo Lembo (1615)
Yunli Shi;
(September 2020)
The Astronomical Images in the First Chinese Treatise on the Telescope by Johann Adam Schall von Bell Revisited
Reeves, Eileen;
van Helden, Albert;
Verifying Galileo's Discoveries: Telescope-Making at the Collegio Romano
Vermeir, Koen;
The Magic of the Magic Lantern (1660--1700): On Analogical Demonstration and the Visualization of the Invisible
Ben-Zaken, Avner;
From Naples to Goa and Back: A Secretive Galilean Messenger and a Radical Hermeneutist
Wouter Egelmeers;
Making Pupils See: The Use of Optical Lantern Slides in Geography Teaching in Belgian Catholic Schools
Greet de Neef;
Mission Projections: Glass Positives in the Archives of the Religious Institutes in KADOC
Ilja Van Damme;
Jongepier, Iason;
Margo Buelens-Terryn;
Shine a Light: Catholic Media Use, Transformations in the Public Sphere, and the Voice of the Urban Masses (Antwerp and Brussels, c. 1880 – c. 1920)
Sabine Lenk;
Kessler, Frank;
Teaching Faith with the Lantern: Audio-visual Lantern Performances by the Clergy in France and Belgium Around 1900
Bart G. Moens;
Dominique Nasta;
Religious Temperance Propaganda and Multimodal Aesthetics of Emotion. The Lantern Slide Set ‘Un poison mortel’ and Early Film Adaptations of Émile Zola’s L’Assommoir
Philippe Marion;
Natalija Majsova;
The Edifying Structures of the Bijou Imaginary. An Investigation into Images, Rhetoric, Memory, and Politics
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