Article ID: CBB133185061

Lise Meitner, β-Decay and Non-Radiative Electromagnetic Transitions (2020)


The current activities in detecting neutrinos as carriers of information from far out in our Universe prompt us to look back on the research activities a century ago that led to the discovery of these weakly interacting particles. One of the leading researchers was Lise Meitner, who observed electrons with well-defined energy, besides the continuous energy spectrum emitted in β decay. These electron lines are well understood as radiationless nuclear transitions competing with γ-ray emission. It is proposed to name the electrons resulting out of this so-called internal conversion process after Lise Meitner and Charles D. Ellis. The equivalent process within the electronic (atomic) shell is the Auger effect, competing with X-ray emission. In this context, the radioactive decay of UX1 or 234Th, well studied a century ago by Lise Meitner and Charles Ellis, is re-visited, and the mono-energetic electrons are ascribed entirely to the internal conversion process.

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Authors & Contributors
Leone, Matteo
Robotti, Nadia
Sime, Ruth Lewin
Yao, Licheng
Perkins, Don H.
Arns, Robert G.
European Physical Journal H
Physics in Perspective
American Journal of Physics
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Science and Education
Spontaneous Generations
Oxford University Press
Scientific American Books
Westview Press
Atomic, nuclear, and particle physics
Experiments and experimentation
Electromagnetic waves; radiation
Science and politics
Meitner, Lise
Fermi, Enrico
Bohr, Niels Henrik David
Einstein, Albert
Hahn, Otto
Lenard, Philipp
Time Periods
20th century, early
20th century
20th century, late
21st century
19th century
Cavendish Laboratory
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

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