This article explores attempts to control outbreaks of venereal diseases among prostitutes and imperial soldiers in Cairo and Alexandria leading up to and through World War I. Seeking to move beyond the usual colonial framing of center-periphery, it considers two British imperial outposts—Egypt and Australia—in conversation. The war brought thousands of Australian soldiers to Egypt, leaving their mark on Egypt and becoming marked by their time there, sometimes in indelible and deadly ways, as bodies and bodily fluids collided, and microbes passed between colonial and imperial subjects. The article argues that the highly racialized and classed system for regulating foreign and local prostitution that British officials implemented in Egypt to protect soldiers exacerbated rather than contained the spread of venereal diseases.
Wingfield, Nancy M.;
The Enemy Within: Regulating Prostitution and Controlling Venereal Disease in Cisleithanian Austria during the Great War
Barnes, Abigail Claire;
Pure Spaces and Impure Bodies: The Detention of Prostitutes in the U.S. during World War One
Wald, Erica;
Vice in the Barracks: Medicine, the Military and the Making of Colonial India, 1780--1868
Sendziuk, Paul;
Harm Reduction and HIV-Prevention among Injecting Drug Users in Australia: An International Comparison
Pascale N. Graham;
Sex work, containment and the new discourse of public health in French colonial Levant
Coleborne, Catharine;
Insanity, Gender, and Empire: Women Living a “Loose Kind of Life” on the Colonial Institutional Margins, 1870--1910
Divya Rama Gopalakrishnan;
Gomastahs, Peons, Police and Chowdranies: The Role of Indian Subordinate in the Functioning of the Lock Hospitals and the Indian Contagious Diseases Act, 1805 to 1889
MacLeod, Roy;
Imperial Science under the Southern Cross: Archibald Liversidge, FRS, and the Making of Anglo-Australian Science
Shehab Ismail;
Engineering Metropolis: Contagion, Capital, and the Making of British Colonial Cairo, 1882-1922
Paulo Drinot;
The Sexual Question: A History of Prostitution in Peru, 1850s–1950s
María Zavala Ramírez;
Ciencia y moral en la prevención de las enfermedades venéreas. La Sociedad Mexicana de Profilaxis Sanitaria y Moral, 1908-1923
Bliss, Katherine Elaine;
Compromised Positions: Prostitution, Public Health, and Gender Politics in Revolutionary Mexico City
Evered, Emine Ö.;
Evered, Kyle T.;
Sex and the Capital City: The Political Framing of Syphilis and Prostitution in Early Republican Ankara
Stefano Petrungaro;
The Medical Debate about Prostitution and Venereal Diseases in Yugoslavia (1918–1941)
Stauter-Halsted, Keely;
The Physician and the Fallen Woman: Medicalizing Prostitution in the Polish Lands
De Vries, Petra;
“The shadow of contagion”: Gender, syphilis and the regulation of prostitution in the Netherlands, 1870-1914
Nicholas Smith;
‘Carried off in their hundreds’: Epidemic diseases as structural violence among Indigenous peoples in Northwestern Australia
Aderinto, Saheed;
Dangerous Aphrodisiac, Restless Sexuality: Venereal Disease, Biomedicine, and Protectionism in Colonial Lagos, Nigeria
Debashis Mandal;
Techno-Engineering Education and the Railways in Colonial India
Stefanie Hunt-Kennedy;
Between Fitness and Death: Disability and Slavery in the Caribbean
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