Cédric Feriel (Author)
This article intends to discuss the 1970s as a breaking point in both urban and transport history. The dominant narrative of urban planning sets two periods after 1945 in opposition: the post-war modernist and car-oriented city on the one hand, and on the other hand the (more) sustainable and pedestrian-oriented city that supposedly started to arise in the 1980s. This time frame reveals the importance given to the narrative of the avant-garde, the great intellectual figures, and the national policies in urban history. The paper decentres the investigation into the history of pedestrianisation in Europe and highlights how “anonymous” city engineers and local urban planners produced alternative pathways to modernisation as early as the 1950s. The European municipal movement for pedestrianisation appears as the missing link between the radical functionalist approach of post-war modern planning, and the present trend in favour of public space and walkability.
...MoreArticle Martin Emanuel; Daniel Normark (2023) (Un)equal footing: Otherings and orderings of urban mobility. The Journal of Transport History (pp. 165-182).
Martin Emanuel;
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The struggle over pedestrians: Defining the problems of walking in the 1960s and 1970s
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Walking spaces: Changing pedestrian practices in Britain since c. 1850
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Daniel Normark;
(Un)equal footing: Otherings and orderings of urban mobility
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Building the Urban Environment: Visions of the Organic City in the United States, Europe, and Latin America
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Pavement publics in late nineteenth-century Stockholm
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The emergence of the car-oriented city: Entanglements and transfer agents in West-Berlin, East-Berlin and Lyon, 1945–75
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Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia;
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Social movement and the failure of car-friendly city projects: East and West Berlin (1970s and 1980s)
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Transit Life: How commuting is transforming our cities
Woo, Myungje;
Ross, Catherine L.;
(Spring 2011)
Megaregions and Mobility
Tauri Tuvikene;
Absence, Presence, and Mobility: A Landscape Approach to an Unfinished Tram Project
D. N. M. Starkie;
The Motorway Age: how post-war governments responded to rapid traffic growth
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Juliano Marcal Lopes;
Augusto Ferreira Brandao Junior;
Eduardo Mario Dias;
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Smart Cities through Smart Regulation
Lundin, Per;
Mediators of Modernity: Planning Experts and the Making of the “Car-Friendly” City in Europe
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