Article ID: CBB112178854

‘The very term mensuration sounds engineer-like’: measurement and engineering authority in nineteenth-century river management (2024)


Measurement was vital to nineteenth-century engineering. Focusing on the work of the Stevenson engineering firm in Scotland, this paper explores the processes by which engineers made their measurements credible and explains how measurement, as both a product and a practice, informed engineering decisions and supported claims to engineering authority. By examining attempts made to quantify, measure and map dynamic river spaces, the paper analyses the relationship between engineering experience and judgement and the generation of data that engineers considered to be ‘tolerably correct’. While measurement created an abstract and simplified version of the river that accommodated prediction, this abstraction had to be connected to and made meaningful in real river space despite acknowledged limitations to measuring practice. In response, engineers drew on experience gained through the measuring process to support claims to authoritative knowledge. This combination of quantification and experience was then used to support interventions in debates over the proper use and management of rivers. This paper argues that measurement in nineteenth-century engineering served a dual function, producing both data and expertise, which were both significant in underpinning engineering authority and facilitating engineers’ intervention in decision making for river management.

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Authors & Contributors
Baird, Davis
Clarke, D.
Connor, Robert Dickson
Kinns, R.
Macfarlane, Daniel
Maffioli, Cesare S.
Technology and Culture
International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
Dundurn Press
Louisiana State University Press
Reaktion Books
Edizioni Osiride
Water resource management
Al-Khazini, Abū al-Fatḥ 'Abd al-Raḥman al-Manṣūr
Boulton, Matthew
Galilei, Galileo
Leonardo da Vinci
Watt, James
Haldane, Thomas Graeme Nelson (1897-1981)
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
18th century
14th century
United States
Tuscany (Italy)
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers
University of Southern California
National Museums of Scotland
European Commission of the Danube

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