Article ID: CBB105732756

A concise history of Italian influences on Turkish pharmacy (2024)


The Italian pharmaceutical tradition has significantly affected Turkish pharmacy since the Ottoman period. Since the 17th century, Italian and Levantine pharmacists have exerted a marked influence on the pharmaceutical practices of Istanbul, particularly in the Galata neighborhood. The term “ispençiyar”, derived from the Italian “speziale”, is emblematic of this impact. Documents such as the “Geniki Pharmacopoeia”, published in Istanbul in 1818, a Greek version of Luigi Brugnatelli's pharmacopoeia, and the first legislation on the practice of pharmacy in the empire, introduced in 1852, testify to the assimilation of Italian pharmaceutical knowledge. Professional figures such as Eduardo Ottoni, Antonio Calleja and Francesco della Sudda (also known as Fayk Pasha) have played a key role in the development of military pharmacy and pharmaceutical education. Italian influence continues to manifest itself, highlighted by the training of Turkish pharmacists in Italy and the expansion of Italian pharmaceutical companies such as Menarini, Recordati and Italfarmaco in Turkey, underlining the importance of Italian expertise and strengthening the links between the pharmaceutical traditions of two countries.

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Authors & Contributors
Günergun, Feza
Yildirim, Nuran
Bulmus, Birsen
Etker, Şeref
Giannetto, Enrico
Güzeldere, Güven
Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari: Studies in Ottoman Science
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Public Understanding of Science
Oxford University Press
Istanbul Universitesi
Istanbul University
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Arab/Islamic world, civilization and culture
Cross-national interaction
Science and politics
Baytop, Asuman
Descartes, René
Efendi, Hekimbasi Salih
Einstein, Albert
Enriques, Federigo
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
Early modern
20th century
18th century
Ottoman Empire

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