Article ID: CBB098628564

Dall'uniformità della natura alla teoria del contagio vivo in Antonio Vallisneri (2020)


"From the uniformity of the nature to the theory of live contagion in Antonio Vallisneri." Vallisneri’s university education took place in Bologna as a direct pupil of Malpighi. In this context he appropriated the Galilean experimentalist tradition, the mechanistic biological model and the consequent conviction of the uniformity and unity of the laws of nature. Following this model, in 1714, together with his pupil Carlo Francesco Cogrossi, he resumed the thesis of live contagion to explain the etiology and characteristics of epidemic diseases. The coldness with which this theory was received by the experimentalist environment, however, led him to avoid direct controversy. He returned to a conjectural interpretative model in the Istoria della generazione of 1721, when, leaning on Giacinto Tonti’s creationism and Conti’s Lettera sugli inviluppi, he adhered to the embryogenetic thesis of ovistic preformism in the variant of pre-existence and envelopements.

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Authors & Contributors
Generali, Dario
Vallisneri, Antonio
Luzzini, Francesco
Spataro, Stefano
Duchesneau, François
Monti, Maria Teresa
Aedes Muratoriana
Carocci Editore
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura
Edizioni ETS
Natural philosophy
Natural history
Earth sciences
Critical editions
Vallisneri, Antonio
Redi, Francesco
Spallanzani, Lazzaro
Bianchini, Francesco
Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe
Frisi, Paolo
Time Periods
18th century
17th century
Early modern
Tuscany (Italy)
Royal Society of London

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