Book ID: CBB092654027

Troubling Natural Categories: Engaging the Medical Anthropology of Margaret Lock (2013)


Adelson, Naomi (Editor)
Butt, Leslie (Editor)
Kielmann, Karina (Editor)

McGill-Queen's University Press

Publication Date: 2013
Physical Details: 256
Language: English

Where do our conventional understandings of health, illness, and the body stem from? What makes them authoritative? How are the boundaries set around these areas of life unsettled in the changing historical and political contexts of science, technology, and health care delivery? These questions are at the heart of Troubling Natural Categories, a collection of essays honouring the tradition of Margaret Lock, one of the preeminent medical anthropologists of our time. Throughout her career, Lock has investigated how medicine sets boundaries around what is deemed "normal" and "natural," and how, in turn, these ideas shape our technical and moral understandings of life, sickness, and death. In this book, nine established medical anthropologists - all former students of Lock - critically engage with her work, offering ethnographic and historical analyses that problematize taken-for-granted constructs in health and medicine in a range of global settings. The essays elaborate cutting-edge themes within medical anthropology, including the often disturbing, inherently political nature of biomedicine and biotechnology, the medicalization of mental health processes, and the formation of uniquely "local biologies" through the convergence of bodily experience, scientific discourse, and new technologies of care. Troubling Natural Categories not only affirms Margaret Lock's place at the forefront of scholarship but, with these essays, carves out new intellectual directions in the medical social sciences. Contributors include Sean Brotherton, Vinh-Kim Nguyen, Junko Kitanaka, Stephanie Lloyd, Dominique Behague, and Annette Leibing.

Includes Chapters

Chapter P. Sean Brotherton (2013) A Genealogy of Bodily Practices in Post-Soviet Cuba. In: Troubling Natural Categories: Engaging the Medical Anthropology of Margaret Lock (pp. 16-33). unapi

Chapter Stephanie Lloyd (2013) From Spasmophilia to Social Phobia: Conversions of French Anxiety. In: Troubling Natural Categories: Engaging the Medical Anthropology of Margaret Lock (pp. 102-122). unapi

Chapter Naomi Adelson; Leslie Butt; Karina Kielmann (2013) Introduction: Margaret Lock and Medical Anthropology. In: Troubling Natural Categories: Engaging the Medical Anthropology of Margaret Lock (pp. 3-15). unapi

Chapter Margaret Lockp. Béhague (2013) Afterword: Seeing Like an Anthropologist. In: Troubling Natural Categories: Engaging the Medical Anthropology of Margaret Lock (pp. 209-222). unapi

Chapter Dominique p. Béhague (2013) Unconventional Psychiatric Medico-Politicization: The Making and Unmaking of Behavioural Disorders in Pelotas, Brazil. In: Troubling Natural Categories: Engaging the Medical Anthropology of Margaret Lock (pp. 123-144). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Anderson, Warwick H.
Baker, Jonathan D.
Druglitrø, Tone
Leonelli, Sabina
Ong, Aihwa
Rogers, Naomi
Social Studies of Science
Science, Technology, and Human Values
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Perspectives on Science
Yale University
Duke University Press
The MIT Press
University of Minnesota Press
NIAS Press
Science and technology studies (STS)
Medical anthropology
Heidegger, Martin
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
20th century, late
Great Britain
United States
East Asia
Washington University

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