Awa Hanane Diagne (Author)
Emily Grenon (Author)
Syeda Hasan (Author)
Holly K. M. Johnstone (Author)
Jones-Imhotep, Edward Charles (Author)
Alexander Offord (Author)
Neve Ostry Young (Author)
Sarai Rudder (Author)
This article offers some key terms for thinking through the history of the Black Androids, a group of racialized automata, created between the mid–sixteenth century and the late twentieth-century, that form part of the intersecting histories of slavery, automation, rebellion, science fiction, and artificial intelligence. Using the technologies of their time—clockworks, steam, electricity—these machines portrayed Black people in pastoral, leisurely, and pre-industrial roles, ironically embodying the myth that technology is opposed to Blackness.1 As a small interdisciplinary research team assembled in May 2021, we undertook a project to better understand these objects and the histories they might uncover and make possible. The collection of entries that follows is meant to embody some of the results of that research and collaboration.
Ben Halliburton;
Kang, Minsoo;
The Android of Albertus Magnus: A Legend of Artificial Being
LaGrandeur, Kevin;
Androids and Intelligent Networks in Early Modern Literature and Culture: Artificial Slaves
LaGrandeur, Kevin;
The Persistent Peril of the Artificial Slave
Emanuela Piga Bruni;
La macchina fragile. L'inconscio artificiale fra letteratura, cinema e televisione
Crosthwaite, Paul;
Clockwork Automata, Artificial Intelligence and Why the Body of the Author Matters
Laura Forlano;
Danya Glabau;
Neda Atanasoski;
Kalindi Vora;
Surrogate Humanity: Race, Robots, and the Politics of Technological Futures
Sam Thomas;
Genevieve Liveley;
Homer’s Intelligent Machines: AI in Antiquity
Daniel C.S. Wilson;
Mariona Coll Ardanuy;
Kaspar Beelen;
Barbara McGillivray;
Ruth Ahnert;
The Living Machine: A Computational Approach to the Nineteenth-Century Language of Technology
Aytes, Ayhan;
The “Other” in the Machine: Oriental Automata and the Mechanization of the Mind
Kilgore, D. W. D.;
Difference Engine: Aliens, Robots, and Other Racial Matters in the History of Science Fiction
Leslie J. Fernandez;
Asiandroid: Techno-Orientalism and the AI Imaginary
Karel Capek;
Jitka Cejkova;
R.U.R. and the Vision of Artificial Life
Svilpis, Janis;
The Science-Fiction Prehistory of the Turing Test
Alac, Morana;
Moving Android: On Social Robots and Body-in-Interaction
Katina Michael;
Diana Bowman;
Meg Leta Jones;
Ramona Pringle;
(March 2018)
Robots and Socio-Ethical Implications [Guest Editorial]
Evan Donahue;
Android Linguistics: How Machines Do Things with Words
Essay Review
Edward Jones-Imhotep;
Review Essay: The Ghost Factories: Histories of Automata and Artificial Life
J. Jesse Ramirez;
Against Automation Mythologies: Business Science Fiction and the Ruse of the Robots
David Bates;
The Political Theology of Entropy: A Katechon for the Cybernetic Age
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