Popper, Nicholas Seth (Author)
Roos, Anna Marie Eleanor (Editor)
Manning, Gideon (Editor)
This paper asks whether early modern fabulists believed their fabulous claims. Focusing on histories of the German people–many of which combine in almost equal measure something alluring, like a good story and philological acumen, and something absurd, like the least literal reading of the story of Genesis one might imagine–the paper documents how these histories entered the scholarly world as important and oft cited sources for the credulous and incredulous alike. If, as many historians now believe, the extensive empiricism in sixteenth-century historical practice is an outgrowth of confronting the fakes, this paper explains the methodologies employed by authors who believed their own fabulous claims and the readers who recognized fully credible evidence was an ideal rather than a common reality.
...MoreBook Anna Marie Roos; Gideon Manning (2023) Collected Wisdom of the Early Modern Scholar: Essays in Honor of Mordechai Feingold.
Peter Achinstein;
Disregarding evidence: Reasonable options for Newton and Rutherford?
Stolberg, Michael;
Empiricism in Sixteenth-Century Medical Practice: The Notebooks of Georg Handsch
Taper, Mark L.;
Lele, Subhash R.;
The Nature of Scientific Evidence: Statistical, Philosophical, and Empirical Considerations
Joseph Bentley;
Protocol statements, physicalism, and metadata: Otto Neurath on scientific evidence
Dirk Werle;
Early Canadian Aerial Photography: The St Croix River and the International Boundary, 1921
Koji Murata;
Hisashi Hayakawa;
Mitsuru Sôma;
A critical assessment of questionable solar eclipse memories in the Byzantine Empire from the fourth to sixth centuries CE
Sorana Corneanu;
Logic and the Movement of Reasoning: Pierre Gassendi on the Three Acts of the Mind
Martín, Dolores;
Menéndez, Roberta;
La objetividad en el Romanticismo: El Empirismo Imaginativo en J. H. Lambert y en J. W. Ritter
Catherine Greene;
Historical Counterfactuals, Transition Periods, and the Constraints on Imagination
Reto Gubelmann;
From Shared Stimuli to Preestablished Harmony: The Development of Quine’s Thinking on Intersubjectivity and Objective Validity
Kuukkanen, Jouni-Matti;
Senses of Localism
Peter Robertshaw;
Rivals No More: Jan Vansina, Precolonial African Historiography, and Archaeology
Métailié, Georges;
Elucidations on Botanic Knowledge in China during the Qing Dynasty
Marco Cursi;
Le lettere dell'omo sanza lettere. Leonardo e la comunicazione epistolare
Thomsen, Samuel W.;
Some Evidence Concerning the Genesis of Shannon's Information Theory
Maike Rotzoll;
Klinische „Erfahrung“ als Evidenzkriterium? Psychiatrische Beiträge zu einer Nachkriegsdebatte um eine „Reform der Medizin“ und die Entwicklung der „verstehenden Anthropologie“ Jürg Zutts
Turner, Stephen;
The Strength of Weak Empathy
Rey, Anne-Lise;
The Status of Leibniz' Medical Experiments: A Provisional Empiricism?
Chris Millard;
Jennifer Wallis;
Sources in the History of Psychiatry, from 1800 to the Present
Roberto de Andrade Martins;
Dificuldades de acesso a documentos inéditos: percalços em uma pesquisa de história da ciência
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