Article ID: CBB084805314

Philia: the biological foundations of Aristotle’s ethics (2021)


This article is the first one to offer an investigation, from a biological perspective, of “natural philia” or “kin-based” philia (commonly translated as “friendship”) in Aristotle’s practical philosophy. After some preliminary considerations about its place in Aristotle’s ethical treatises, the discussion focuses on Aristotle’s biology. Here we learn that natural philia, couched in terms of a biological praxis rather than a trait of character, is widespread in the animal kingdom, although in different ways and to varying degrees. To account for such differences, Aristotle establishes a Scala Philiae in two different biological texts—Historia Animalium and Generation of Animals—where natural bonds in animals are classified in view of their strength and duration. Each level of Aristotle’s Scala is examined. Finally, the argument returns to Aristotle’s ethical and political texts, drawing greater attention to the biological mechanisms that underlie natural philia in human beings. I conclude that natural philia provides one fundamental biological building-block of Aristotle’s ethics and politics.

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Authors & Contributors
Arnhart, Larry
Bradshaw, G. A.
Brigandt, Ingo
Cirillo, Thomas McCulloch
Crist, Eileen
Deslauriers, Marguerite
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
Journal of the History of Biology
Archives of Natural History
History of Psychology
Acta Philosophica
Classical World
University of Southern California
Animal psychology
Animal behavior
Language and languages
Albertus Magnus
Blyth, Edward
Darwin, Charles Robert
De Waal, Frans B. M.
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, early
19th century
13th century
United States

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