Suzanne Sutherland (Author)
The Rise of the Military Entrepreneur explores how a new kind of international military figure emerged from, and exploited, the seventeenth century's momentous political, military, commercial, and scientific changes. In the era of the Thirty Years' War, these figures traveled rapidly and frequently across Europe using private wealth, credit, and connections to raise and command the armies that rulers desperately needed. Their careers reveal the roles international networks, private resources, and expertise played in building and at times undermining the state. Suzanne Sutherland uncovers the influence of military entrepreneurs by examining their activities as not only commanders but also diplomats, natural philosophers, information brokers, clients, and subjects on the battlefield, as well as through strategic marital and family allegiances. Sutherland focuses on Raimondo Montecuccoli (1609?80), a middling nobleman from the Duchy of Modena, who became one of the most powerful men in the Austrian Habsburg monarchy and helped found a new discipline, military science. The Rise of the Military Entrepreneur explains how Montecuccoli successfully met battlefield, court, and family responsibilities while contributing to the world of scholarship on an often violent, fragmented political-military landscape. As a result, Sutherland shifts the perspective on war away from the ruler and his court to instead examine the figures supplying force, along with their methods, networks, and reflections on those experiences.
Ash, Mitchell G.;
Surman, Jan;
The Nationalization of Scientific Knowledge in the Habsburg Empire, 1848--1918
Geert Somsen;
The princess at the conference: Science, pacifism, and Habsburg society
Dóra Bobory;
The Correspondence of Boldizsár Batthyány: The Everyday Life of an Early Modern Alchemist
López Terrada, María Luz;
Los sistemas de control de la práctica médica en la monarquía hispánica de los Habsburgo
Hans Petschar;
Der ewige Kaiser: Franz Joseph I. 1830-1916
Madalina Valeria Veres;
Scrutinizing the Heavens, Measuring the Earth: Joseph Liesganig’s Contribution to the Mapping of the Habsburg Lands in the Eighteenth Century
Rothe, Johanna;
Psychoanalysis, Sexuality, and Nationality in Late Habsburg Austria
Annarita Franza;
Johannes Mattes;
Giovanni Pratesi;
Collectio Mineralium: The catalog of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II’s mineralogical collection
Michael Gordin;
Jan Surman;
Beyond the Center: Sciences in Central and Eastern Europe and their Histories. An Interview with Professor Michael Gordin, Conducted by Jan Surman
Essay Review
Andrea Gualandi;
Nuove stelle, scienza e società alla vigilia della Guerra dei Trent'anni
Christof Aichner;
Le Università austriache e la Grande Guerra. Storiografia e memoria
Atalic, Bruno;
Differences and Similarities in the Regulation of Medical Practice between Early Modern Vienna and Osijek
Karel Černý;
Sharing the Knowledge at Habsburg Medical Faculties in the Baroque Era: The Case of Jan František Löw’s Reading List for Medical Students in Prague (1693)
Daxelmüller, Christoph;
Magie zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft am Hof Rudolfs II von Habsburg in Prag
Barreca, Francesco;
Boner, Patrick J.;
A Perfect Similitude: Science and Politics in Kepler's Dedicatory Letter to De stella nova and the Astronomia nova
Outram, Quentin;
The Socio-Economic Relations of Warfare and the Military Mortality Crises of the Thirty Years' War
Michael Gordin;
Jan Surman;
Poza centrum: nauki w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej i ich historie. Rozmowę z Profesorem Michaelem Gordinem przeprowadził Jan Surman
Per Pippin Aspaas;
Maximilian Hell (1720–92) and the Ends of Jesuit Science in Enlightenment Europe
Nina Lamal;
Communicating Conflict: Early Modern Soldiers as Information-Gatherers
Sechel, Teodora Daniela;
Medical Knowledge and the Improvement of Vernacular Languages in the Habsburg Monarchy: A Case Study from Transylvania (1770--1830)
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