Article ID: CBB081420017

Overcoming the Egyptian cotton crisis in the interwar period: The role of irrigation, drainage, new seeds, and access to credit (2021)


After experiencing a period of spectacular growth during the late nineteenth century, the Egyptian cotton sector underwent a phase of stagnation, which was followed by a gradual and steady increase in output during the interwar period. Drawing on a new panel dataset at the province–year level, this article explores the determinants of the upturn in cotton output, running a horserace between credit, seed technology, and infrastructure. In order to address endogeneity concerns, an instrumental variable approach is adopted, using a modified version of Bartik's shift-share instrumental variable. Our results provide supporting evidence that peasants switched to a lower-yielding cotton variety as a response to changes in relative price. Moreover, our production function estimates show that two key factors had a positive impact on output growth: credit availability and the adoption of new cotton varieties.

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Authors & Contributors
Barnes, Jessica
Bess, Jennifer
Brassley, Paul
Giesen, James C
Griggs, Peter
Hindle, Richard L.
Agricultural History
Canadian Historical Review
Environmental History
History and Technology
Journal of Historical Geography
Research in the History of Technology
Columbia University
CNWS Publications
Oxford University Press
Texas A&M University Press
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Agricultural technology
Cotton and cotton industry
Rural history
Labor and laborers
Economic botany; plant cultivation; horticulture
Strampelli, Nazareno
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
20th century
21st century
United States
United States. Office of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Plant Industry (United States)

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