Hannah Pullen-Blasnik (Author)
Eyal, Gil (Author)
Amy Weissenbach (Author)
What happens when an algorithm is added to the work of an expert group? This study explores how algorithms pose a practical problem for experts. We study the introduction of a Probabilistic DNA Profiling (PDP) software into a forensics lab through interviews and court admissibility hearings. While meant to support experts’ decision-making, in practice it has destabilized their authority. They respond to this destabilization by producing alternating and often conflicting accounts of the agency and significance of the software. The algorithm gets constructed alternately either as merely a tool or as indispensable statistical backing; the analysts’ authority as either independent of the algorithm or reliant upon it to resolve conflict and create a final decision; and forensic expertise as resting either with the analysts or with the software. These tensions reflect the forensic ‘culture of anticipation’, specifically the experts’ anticipation of ongoing litigation that destabilizes their control over the deployment and interpretation of expertise in the courtroom. The software highlights tensions between the analysts’ supposed impartiality and their role in the courtroom, exposing legal and narrative implications of the changing nature of expertise and technology in the criminal legal system.
M'charek, Amade;
Hagendijk, Rob;
Vries, Wiebe de;
Equal before the Law: On the Machinery of Sameness in Forensic DNA Practice
Federico Brandmayr;
(May 2017)
How Social Scientists Make Causal Claims in Court: Evidence from the L’Aquila Trial
Prainsack, Barbara;
Kitzberger, Martin;
DNA Behind Bars: Other Ways of Knowing Forensic DNA Technologies
Aronson, Jay David;
The Introduction, Contestation, and Regulation of Forensic DNA Analysis in the American Legal System (1984--1994)
Kane, Carolyn L.;
Chromatic Algorithms: Synthetic Color, Computer Art, and Aesthetics after Code
M'charek, Amade;
Schramm, Katharina;
Skinner, David;
Topologies of Race: Doing Territory, Population and Identity in Europe
Lindsay Adams Smith;
(November 2016)
Identifying Democracy: Citizenship, DNA, and Identity in Postdictatorship Argentina
Wagner, Sarah;
The Making and Unmaking of an Unknown Soldier
W. John Koolage;
Lauren M. Williams;
Morgen L. Barroso;
An infrastructural account of scientific objectivity for legal contexts and bloodstain pattern analysis
Helena Machado;
Susana Silva;
Public Perspectives on Risks and Benefits of Forensic DNA Databases: An Approach to the Influence of Professional Group, Education, and Age
Stevens, Hallam;
Coding Sequences: A History of Sequence Comparison Algorithms as a Scientific Instrument
Krishna Sood;
(June 2018)
The Ultimate Black Box: The Thorny Issue of Programming Moral Standards in Machines
Peter Andras;
Lukas Esterle;
Michael Guckert;
The Anh Han;
Peter R. Lewis;
Kristina Milanovic;
Terry Payne;
Cedric Perret;
Jeremy Pitt;
Simon T. Powers;
Neil Urquhart;
Simon Wells;
(December 2018)
Trusting Intelligent Machines: Deepening Trust Within Socio-Technical Systems
Lucas D. Introna;
(January 2016)
Algorithms, Governance, and Governmentality: On Governing Academic Writing
Ludovico Rella;
Close to the metal: Towards a material political economy of the epistemology of computation
Mike Ananny;
(January 2016)
Toward an Ethics of Algorithms: Convening, Observation, Probability, and Timeliness
Helena Machado;
Susana Silva;
(March 2016)
Voluntary Participation in Forensic DNA Databases: Altruism, Resistance, and Stigma
Rafaela Granja;
Helena Machado;
Forensic DNA phenotyping and its politics of legitimation and contestation: Views of forensic geneticists in Europe
Anna Jabloner;
A Tale of Two Molecular Californias
Sankar, Pamela;
Forensic DNA Phenotyping: Continuity and Change in the History of Race, Genetics, and Policing
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