Book ID: CBB074773103

Medicine and Healing in the Age of Slavery (2021)


CONTENTS: Foreword, Vanessa Northington Gamble“Introduction: Healing and the History of Medicine in the Atlantic World,” Sean Morey Smith and Christopher D. E. Willoughby“Zemis and Zombies: Amerindian Healing Legacies on Hispaniola,” Lauren Derby“Poisoned Relations: Medical Choices and Poison Accusations within Enslaved Communities,” Chelsea Berry“Blood and Hair: Barbers, Sangradores, and the West African Corporeal Imagination in Salvador da Bahia,1793–1843,” Mary E. Hicks“Examining Antebellum Medicine through Haptic Studies,” Deirdre Cooper Owens“Unbelievable Suffering: Rethinking Feigned Illness in Slavery and the Slave Trade,” Elise A. Mitchell“Medicalizing Manumission: Slavery, Disability, and Medical Testimony in Late Colonial Colombia,”Brandi M. Waters“A Case Study in Charleston: Impressions of the Early National Slave Hospital,” Rana A. Hogarth“From Skin to Blood: Interpreting Racial Immunity to Yellow Fever,” Timothy James Lockley“Black Bodies, Medical Science, and the Age of Emancipation,” Leslie A. Schwalm“Epilogue: Black Atlantic Healing in the Wake,” Sharla M. Fett

Reviewed By

Review Farren Yero (2024) Review of "Medicine and Healing in the Age of Slavery". Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (pp. 182-183). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Bedoya, Joanna
Barros, Juanita de
Denis, Adrián López
Espinosa, Mariola
Games, Alison
Hogarth, Rana Asali
American Historical Review
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Social History of Medicine
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
French Historical Studies
Yale University Press
Duke University Press
University of North Carolina Press
Georgetown University
Medicine and race
Disease and diseases
Yellow fever
Slave trade
Kingsley, Charles
Le Cat, Claude Nicolas
Sims, James Marion
Soper, Fred Lowe
Deléry, Charles François
Jean Charles Faget
Time Periods
18th century
19th century
17th century
16th century
20th century
20th century, early
Atlantic world
Great Britain
New Orleans (Louisiana, U.S.)
Atlantic Ocean
Rockefeller Foundation

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