Bucciantini, Massimo (Author)
Giudice, Franco (Author)
Camerota, Michele (Author)
Bolton, Catherine (Translator)
Between 1608 and 1610 the canopy of the night sky changed forever, ripped open by an object created almost by accident: a cylinder with lenses at both ends. Galileo’s Telescope tells the story of how an ingenious optical device evolved from a toy-like curiosity into a precision scientific instrument, all in a few years. In transcending the limits of human vision, the telescope transformed humanity’s view of itself and knowledge of the cosmos.Galileo plays a leading―but by no means solo―part in this riveting tale. He shares the stage with mathematicians, astronomers, and theologians from Paolo Sarpi to Johannes Kepler and Cardinal Bellarmine, sovereigns such as Rudolph II and James I, as well as craftsmen, courtiers, poets, and painters. Starting in the Netherlands, where a spectacle-maker created a spyglass with the modest magnifying power of three, the telescope spread like technological wildfire to Venice, Rome, Prague, Paris, London, and ultimately India and China. Galileo’s celestial discoveries―hundreds of stars previously invisible to the naked eye, lunar mountains, and moons orbiting Jupiter―were announced to the world in his revolutionary treatise Sidereus Nuncius.Combining science, politics, religion, and the arts, Galileo’s Telescope rewrites the early history of a world-shattering innovation whose visual power ultimately came to embody meanings far beyond the science of the stars.
...MoreReview Nick Wilding (2017) Review of "Galileo's Telescope: A European Story". Journal of Interdisciplinary History (pp. 249-251).
Review Marvin Bolt (2017) Review of "Galileo's Telescope: A European Story". Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (pp. 187-189).
Review Eileen A. Reeves (2016) Review of "Galileo's Telescope: A European Story". Journal for the History of Astronomy (pp. 430-431).
Dennis D. McCarthy;
Il telescopio di Galileo
George V. Coyne;
Dov'e finito il cielo? Galileo e la nascita della scienza moderna
Edmondo Lupieri;
Paolo Ponzio;
Chi ha rubato i cieli? : Galileo, la "Lettera a Cristina" e le origini della modernità
Galilei, Galileo;
Shea, William R.;
Bascelli, Tiziana;
Galileo's Sidereus nuncius or A Sidereal Message
Boner, Patrick J.;
Tessicini, Dario;
Celestial Novelties on the Eve of the Scientific Revolution, 1540--1630
Paolo Palmieri;
Hermes and the Telescope: In the Crucible of Galileo's Life-World
Essay Review
Franco Giudice;
Only a Matter of Credit? Galileo, the Telescopic Discoveries, and the Copernican System
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Renata Ago;
Suggestioni per la storia sociale: distanza geografica, incompletezza delle informazioni e segretezza nella comunicazione scientifica di Galileo
Luís Miguel Carolino;
Between Galileo's Celestial Novelties and Clavius's astronomical legacy: The Cosmology of the Jesuit Giovanni Paolo Lembo (1615)
Giuseppe Patota;
Occhiale, cannone, cannocchiale e telescopio: una storia lincea
Gaulke, Karsten;
Kepler, Galilei, das Fernrohr und die Folgen
Zik, Yaakov;
Hon, Giora;
Magnification: How to Turn a Spyglass into an Astronomical Telescope
Rawson, Michael;
Discovering the Final Frontier: The Seventeenth-Century Encounter with the Lunar Environment
Hoskin, Michael;
Nebulae, Star Clusters and the Milky Way: From Galileo to William Herschel
Strano, Giorgio;
Galileo, Reliable Observer: Astronomical Accuracy and the Optical Limits of the Telescope
Mauro Pesce;
La lettera di Galileo a Cristina e la certezza culturale della Bibbia
John P. McCarthy;
La lettera alla Granduchessa Cristina, 1615: giustizia, reinterpretazione e pietà
Paolo Ponzio;
Galileo e le cosiddette teologie amiche : lo strano caso di Tommaso Campanella e Paolo Antonio Foscarini
Bucciantini, Massimo;
Galileo e Keplero: filosofia, cosmologia e teologia nell'Età della Controriforma
Poppi, Francesco;
Bonoli, Fabrizio;
Gualandi, Andrea;
A Short History of Two Nineteenth-Century German Instruments at the Bologna Observatory: The 16-cm Steinheil Refractor and the Ertel and Sohn Meridian Circle
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