Article ID: CBB071518702

Nehemiah Grew, the illustrator (2022)


The literature on seventeenth-century Royal Society member Nehemiah Grew's artistic production has been sparse and tentative. Although his publication record includes five illustrated books, some of which feature quite elaborate illustrative programmes, it has been challenging to credit any of this visual production directly to the books’ author. In this article, I aim to both contribute to the growing interest in Grew's illustrations, and to provide a corrective to this gap in the literature, presenting Grew for the first time as an active illustrator and arguing for the importance of Grew's visual production during his career with the Royal Society. I will discuss his visual archive and his relationship with his engravers and will also present evidence of his regular use of illustrated figures in lectures he presented throughout the 1670s. This includes attributing two original drawings to Grew that are still present in the Royal Society's collections—two dissected cat's kidneys—that are associated with a lecture he gave on animal anatomy in 1679.

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Authors & Contributors
Hunter, Matthew C.
Remmert, Volker R.
Acheson, Katherine
Alexandratos, Rea
Attenborough, David
Baulu, Jean
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies
Intellectual History Review
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
Perspectives on Science
University of Chicago
Bodleian Library
Harrassowitz in Kommission
Royal Collection
Visual representation; visual communication
Science and art
Scientific illustration
Natural history
Collectors and collecting
Hooke, Robert
Ray, John
Barlow, Francis
Boccone, Paolo
Catesby, Mark
Cesi, Federico
Time Periods
17th century
18th century
16th century
15th century
19th century
20th century
Great Britain
London (England)
Royal Society of London

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