Article ID: CBB061086705

Relaying station for empires’ outcasts: managing ‘lunatics’ in pre-World War II Hong Kong (2022)


This article explores how ‘lunatics’ emerged and how they were managed beyond the capacity of institutionalization in colonial Hong Kong in the second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. The story contests the conventional historiography about madmen that focuses on institutions. Unlike in Britain or in other East Asian colonial cities, inpatients stayed at the asylum only for very short periods. Instead of psychiatric admission, they were then transported by ship, either to Canton in China or to London for further care until after World War II. This article analyses how this was done to maintain a ‘clean’ cityscape, as well as an instrument to ensure the smooth operation of the port city.

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Authors & Contributors
Andrews, Jonathan
Chu, Cecilia
Coleborne, Catharine
Jones, Edgar
Knewstubb, Elspeth
Kragh, Jesper Vaczy
History of Psychiatry
Social History of Medicine
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
Health and History
History of Psychology
Medical History
Palgrave Macmillan
Harvard University
Oxford University Press
University of Maine
University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom
Scrimgeour Yorkshire
Mental disorders and diseases
Psychiatric hospitals
Public health
Lundahl, Josef
Frame, James
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
18th century
Great Britain
New Zealand
Québec (Canada)
Ontario (Canada)
Toronto Hospital for the Insane
Maudsley Hospital (England)

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