Yōko 陽子 Yokota 横田 (Author)
This paper examines controversy during the safety examination of the first commercial nuclear power plant (NPP) in Japan, the Tokai Nuclear Power Plant, focusing on the issue of major accidents. Politicians, bureaucrats, business leaders, and engineers generally pushed for the plantʼs construction, while scientists -- mainly physicists -- opposed it. At the time, nuclear power technology was a rapidly growing field, with the knowledge of its safety yet to be established. The controversy revolved around four key issues: 1) how to develop NPP technology; 2) how to mitigate the risk of a major accident; 3) how to estimate the potential effects of such an accident on people; and 4) how to determine the “safety” of NPPs. In addressing these issues, scientists consistently upheld the three basic principles on nuclear research and development in Japan, namely democracy, independence, and public disclosure, emphasizing the importance of free discussion and rigorous scientific standards. By contrast, advocates of power plants opposed such an approach and supported the approval of the construction plan on the basis of administrative procedures. In this way, the knowledge on reactor and radiation safety offered by scientists was intentionally and politically disregarded.
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Radioisotopes as Political Instruments, 1946--1953
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Enrico Fermi e il suo ruolo nella scienza, in Italia e in America
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Crumbling Dream: Japan's Nuclear Quest, 1954--2011
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Supplying the Nuclear Arsenal: American Production-reactors, 1942-1992
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The Processes Through Which Nuclear Power Plants Are Embedded in Political, Economic, and Social Contexts in Japan
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Postcrisis Japanese Nuclear Policy
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Tracing the Atom: Nuclear Legacies in Russia and Central Asia
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Making the Invisible Engineer Visible: DuPont and the Recognition of Nuclear Expertise
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Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator
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The Unflinching Mr. Smith and the Nuclear Age
Oatsvall, Neil;
Atomic Agriculture: Policymaking, Food Production, and Nuclear Technologies in the United States, 1945--1960
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[On the Drafting and Postponing of the B-plan by the Special Panel on Nuclear Fusion Research] 核融合専門部会によるb計画の立案と先送り
Pritchard, Sara B.;
An Envirotechnical Disaster: Nature, Technology, and Politics at Fukushima
Uekoetter, Frank;
Fukushima, Europe, and the Authoritarian Nature of Nuclear Technology
Kelly, Dominic;
Ideology, Society, and the Origins of Nuclear Power in Japan
Eckart Conze;
Martin Klimke;
Jeremy Varon;
Nuclear Threats, Nuclear Fear and the Cold War of the 1980s
Tatiana Kasperski;
Children, Nation and Reactors: Imagining and Promoting Nuclear Power in Contemporary Ukraine
Sidorenko, Viktor;
Istoriia atomnoi energetiki Sovetskogo Soiuza i Rossii
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