Higginbottom, Gail (Author)
González-García, A. César (Author)
Benito Vilas-Estévez (Author)
Víctor López-López (Author)
Felipe Criado-Boado (Author)
This paper investigates the land- and sky-scapes surrounding the dolmens of Costa da Morte (Coast of Death), Galicia. Having uncovered previously that the location of megalithic monuments in this coherent area of the south-eastern side of the European Atlantic Façade connects to complex topographical features, we now show how this chosen topography connects to astronomical phenomena. We will see how the detailed shape of the horizon coincides with specific risings and settings of the Sun and Moon, providing further support for the notion that the creators of these monuments selectively drew upon a variety of features found in their natural world.
Lionel Sims;
Xabi Otero;
Praileaitz I: A Magdalenian Lunar-Solar Cave At 15,500 Bp In The Basque Country
Silva, Fabio;
Pimenta, Fernando;
The Crossover of the Sun and the Moon
Bostwick, Todd W.;
Bates, Bryan;
Viewing the Sky through Past and Present Cultures: Selected Papers from the Oxford VII International Conference on Archaeoastronomy
C Clausen;
West Iberian Megalithic Tombs and the "Lunar Season Pointer"
Hoskin, Michael;
Orientations of Dolmens of Western Europe: Summary and Conclusions
Benítez, Sixto Ramón Giménez;
Alejandro Martín López;
Granada, Anahi;
The Sun and the Moon as Marks of Time and Space among the Mocovíes of the Argentinian Chaco
Alberto Scuderi;
Vito F Polcaro;
Ferdinando Maurici;
New Archaeoastronomical Findings in the Alto Belice Valley (Sicily)
Davide Tanasi;
Andrea Orlando;
Rediscovering The Maltese Temple Of Borġ In-Nadur: An Archaeoastronomical Perspective
Giulio Magli;
Sacred Landscapes of Imperial China: Astronomy, Feng Shui, and the Mandate of Heaven
Davide Gori;
Andrea Orlando;
The Megalithic Temple of Diana on the Cefalù Rock (Sicily)
Le Conte, David;
Orientations of Channel Islands Megalithic Tombs
Olwyn Pritchard;
Shadows, Stones and Solstices
David Fisher;
Lionel Sims;
Modelling Lunar Extremes
Frank J. Ventura;
George Agius;
An Investigation of the Possible Equinox Alignment at Mnajdra, Malta
Alexey Stoev;
Penka Maglova;
Vassil Markov;
Mina Spasova;
Prehistoric Rock Sanctuary With Arch Near The Village Of Kovachevitsa, Bulgaria: Spatial Orientation And Solar Projections
Alexey Stoev;
Penka Maglova;
Research Project "Astronomical Orientations And Geophysical Anomalies Of Trapezoidal Niches In The Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria": In Search Of An International Partnership
Hoskin, Michael [et al.];
Studies in Iberian Archaeoastronomy: (8) Orientations of Megalithic and Tholos Tombs of Portugal and Southern Spain
César Esteban;
Daniel Iborra Pellín;
Temples Of Astarte Across The Mediterranean
J. McKim Malville;
Chimney Rock and the Ontology of Skyscapes: How Astronomy, Trade, and Pilgrimage Transformed Chimney Rock
Douglas Scott;
The Solar Lunar Orientations of the Orkney-Cromarty and Clava Cairns
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