Goldstein, Bernard R. (Author)
Chabás, José (Author)
Isaac Israeli (early fourteenth century) is best known for Yesod ʿolam (Berlin, 1846–1848), a treatise on astronomy and chronology. Here our focus is on his astronomical tables, mainly those in his unpublished Šaʿar ha-šamayim, which have not been studied previously. We present an analysis of some of these tables, preserved in various manuscripts, and find that they are largely dependent on similar sets of tables available at the time in Spain. Of special interest is that in the headings of a few of his tables he introduces an unusual term for “table,” ʿarugah, whereas in others we find the usual luaḥ. Moreover, he uses ḥalaqim or “parts” (that is, 1/1080 of an hour) in astronomical and geographical contexts having nothing to do with the treatment of the Hebrew calendar where they commonly occur. In Yesod ʿolam Isaac mentions Isaac ben Sid, an astronomer who worked under the patronage of Alfonso X of Castile (d. 1284) and one of the authors of the Castilian Alfonsine Tables (of which only the canons or instructions survive). Unfortunately, we have not found any trace of those tables in Isaac's tables. On the other hand, we have found evidence that, for the compilation of some of his tables, Isaac used the Toledan Tables (arranged for the Hijra calendar).
Goldstein, Bernard R.;
Preliminary Remarks on the Astronomical Tables of Solomon Franco
Chabás, José;
The Toledan Tables in Castilian: Excerpts of the Planetary Equations
Josep Chabàs;
Computational Astronomy in the Middle Ages: Sets of Astronomical Tables in Latin
Ilana Wartenberg;
A Non-Linear Transmission of Euclid's Elements in a Medieval Hebrew Calendrical Treatise
Chabás, José;
Goldstein, Bernard R.;
Computing Planetary Positions: User-friendliness and the Alfonsine Corpus
Chabás, José;
Goldstein, Bernard R.;
Early Alfonsine Astronomy in Paris: The Tables of John Vimond (1320)
Chabás, José;
Goldstein, Bernard R.;
John of Murs Revisited: The Kalendarium Solis et Lune for 1321
José Chabás;
An Early Witness of Alfonsine Astronomy: The London Tables for 1336
Miquel Forcada;
Saphaeae and Hayʾāt: The Debate between Instrumentalism and Realism in Al-Andalus
Chabás, José;
Goldstein, Bernard R.;
Alfonsine Tables of Toledo
Chabás, José;
Were the Alfonsine Tables of Toledo First Used by Their Authors?
Goldstein, Bernard R.;
Chabás, José;
Isaac ibn al-Ḥadib and Flavius Mithridates: The Diffusion of an Iberian Astronomical Tradition in the Late Middle Ages
Comes, Mercè;
La trépidation dans les tables astronomiques d'al-Andalus et d'Afrique du Nord
Matthias Maser;
Conquered Cities: Continuity and Transformation of Urban Structures in the Castilian “Reconquista” Territories (11th–14th Centuries)—Toledo and Seville
Fernando Valdés Fernández;
The Impact of the Arab Conquest on the Planning of the Iberian Cities: Toledo inside Walls
José Martínez Gázquez;
The Attitude of the Medieval Latin Translators Towards the Arabic Sciences
Xavier Jufre, Garcia;
L'Astrari de Giovanni di Dondi (1380)
King, David A.;
An Astrolabe from 14th-Century Christian Spain with Inscriptions in Latin, Hebrew and Arabic: A Unique Testimonial to an Intercultural Encounter
Rius, Mònica;
La Alquibla: en al-Andalus y al-Magrib al-Aqsà. (Anuari de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, XXI, 1998--99, B-3. )
King, David;
The Stars-Names on Three 14th-Century Astrolabes from Spain, France and Italy
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