Piel, Helen (Author)
Seising, Rudolf (Author)
While artificial intelligence (AI) as a technology has been gaining widespread media and popular attention, its historical analysis is still in its infancy. As Jon Agar noted, “There is a surprising absence in the secondary literature of survey histories of artificial intelligence written by professional historians of science” [4, p. 291].1 When we began our own project on the history of AI in the Federal Republic of Germany,2 we found that we had to agree: Each project member—there are five of us (Florian Müller, Dinah Pfau, Helen Piel, Rudolf Seising, and Jakob Tschandl)—individually investigates one subject area of AI and has often found little historical work.3 What is more, the available histories, both monographs and articles, strongly focus on US developments (occasionally including British developments, Alan Turing, and Donald Michie) and are often written by practitioners and nonhistorians [12], [14], [16], [25], [34], [42], [63]. This prevalence of practitioner (as well as popular) accounts is being replicated outside the US too [9], [10], [11], [53]. While valuable as sources, these can only be a first step toward a thorough historical analysis of AI that extends beyond its US origins. This Special Issue therefore collects several histories of AI in Europe by historians and media theorists.
...MoreArticle B. Jack Copeland (2023) Early AI in Britain: Turing et al.. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (pp. 19-31).
Article Paul McJones; David Redell (2023) History of the CAL Timesharing System. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (pp. 80-91).
Article Dinah Pfau; Helen Piel; Florian Müller; Jakob Tschandl; Rudolf Seising (2023) The “KI-Rundbrief,” Its Editors, and Its Community: A Perspective on West German AI, 1975–1987. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (pp. 48-65).
Article Martin Schmitt (2023) Socialist AI? Societal Use, Economic Implementation, and the Tensions of Applied Computer Science in Late Socialist GDR. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (pp. 66-79).
Article Matthew Cobb (2023) The Representation of Knowledge and the Relevance of Biological Models at the Symposium on the Mechanization of Thought Processes, 1958. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (pp. 32-47).
Article Hans-Christian von Herrmann (2023) Literature and Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (pp. 11-18).
Daniel C.S. Wilson;
Mariona Coll Ardanuy;
Kaspar Beelen;
Barbara McGillivray;
Ruth Ahnert;
The Living Machine: A Computational Approach to the Nineteenth-Century Language of Technology
Lee Vinsel;
Andrew L. Russell;
Introductory Note to “Seeking High IMP Reliability in Maintenance of the 1970s ARPAnet”
Ann Blair;
Nicholas Popper;
New Horizons for Early Modern European Scholarship
Sivasundaram, Sujit;
Sciences and the Global: On Methods, Questions, and Theory
Luca Ciancio;
Scienze della vita e scienze della terra nella più recente storiografia italiana della scienza: espansione o ripiegamento?
Enrico Iachello;
Il terremoto calabro-messinese del 1783: appunti per un approccio ‘politico’ alla storia delle calamità
Paolo Casini;
La storiografia della scienza: considerazioni preliminari
Dario Generali;
L’Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Antonio Vallisneri
Monica H. Green;
A New Definition of the Black Death: Genetic Findings and Historical Interpretations
Ana Simões;
Looking Back, Stepping Forward: Reflections on the Sciences in Europe
Vera I. Kharlamova;
About Bibliographical Projects During the Formation of the Mathematical Community in Europe. Portuguese Mathematicians in International Bibliography at the Turn of the XIX-XX Centuries
Alberto Postigliola;
Anna Maria Rao;
Il Settecento negli studi italiani. Problemi e prospettive
Patiniotis, Manolis;
Gavroglu, Kostas;
The Sciences in Europe: Transmitting Centers and the Appropriating Peripheries
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The myth of artificial intelligence : Why computers can't think the way we do
Philip Chmielewski;
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Ethical Autonomous Weapons?: Practical, Required Functions
Rudolf Seising;
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Arthur I. Miller;
The Artist in the Machine: The World of AI-Powered Creativity
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Life 3.0 – Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
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