Poppel, Frans van (Author)
Peter Ekamper (Author)
This paper shows the effect that the medical expertise of medical practitioners had on the life chances of their children. We focus on infant and early childhood mortality. We reconstructed the life histories of the offspring of a group of around 2800 medical practitioners who were practicing in a high-mortality region in the Netherlands between 1850 and 1922, the period during which infant and child mortality in the Netherlands underwent the largest changes. The survival of their offspring is compared with that of a random sample of children from the Historical Sample of the Netherlands. Multilevel hazard analysis, using Cox proportional hazards models with shared frailty, is applied to study the effect of belonging to the medical profession on survival, in relation to the level of infant mortality in the regions where children were born. Within the group of medical practitioners, attention is paid to differences in children’s survival according to the level of medical knowledge of the fathers. Our statistical analyses show that the offspring of medical practitioners as a whole did have better survival prospects than children born to families without a father with a medical background. When medical practitioners had effective medical knowledge, measured by the period of graduation and the highest level of medical training reached, the positive effects on the survival of their children were even stronger.
Björn Quanjer;
Height and the disease environment of children: The association between mortality and height in the Netherlands 1850–1940
Fariñas, Diego Ramiro;
Sanz Gimeno, Alberto;
Childhood mortality in Central Spain, 1790-1960: Changes in the course of demographic modernization
Wangui Monica Muigai;
An Awful Gladness: African American Experiences of Infant Death from Slavery to the Great Migration
Mooij, Annet;
Doctors of Amsterdam: Patient Care, Medical Training and Research (1650-2000)
Condran, Gretchen A.;
Murphy, Jennifer;
Defining and Managing Infant Mortality: A Case Study of Philadelphia, 1870--1920
Melanie Reynolds;
Infant Mortality and Working-Class Child Care, 1850-1899
Bakker, Nelleke;
De gezondheid van het kind en het veranderend perspectief van de Groningse plattelandsschoolarts (1930--1970)
Nelleke Bakker;
From talking cure to play- and group-therapy: outpatient mental health care for children in the Netherlands c. 1945–70
Karl Schulze-Hagen;
Tim R. Birkhead;
Nikolaas Tinbergen’s children’s book Kleew (1947): The story of a herring gull
Wesseling, Lies;
Heinrich Hoffmanns “Der Struwwelpeter” (1845/1859): een parodie op de romantische cultus van het kind
Annemieke van Drenth;
The ‘truth’ about Idiocy: Revisiting Files of Children in the Dutch ‘School for Idiots’ in the Nineteenth Century
Harris, Bernard;
Gorsky, Martin;
Guntupalli, Aravinda;
Hinde, Andrew;
Ageing, Sickness and Health in England and Wales during the Mortality Transition
Stephen J. Kunitz;
Regional Cultures and Mortality in America
Matteo Manfredini;
Marco Breschi;
Alessio Fornasin;
Stanislao Mazzoni;
Sergio De lasio;
Alfredo Coppa;
Maternal Mortality in 19th- and Early 20th-century Italy
Harris, Margaret;
Farquhar, Fiona;
Healy, David;
Noury, Joanna C. Le;
Linden, Stefanie C.;
Hughes, J. Andrew;
Roberts, Anthony P.;
The Morbidity and Mortality Linked to Melancholia: Two Cohorts Compared, 1875--1924 and 1995--2005
R. Max Henderson;
Essays on the evolution of health capital
Martín Espinosa, Noelia;
Villena Espinosa, Rafael;
Cobo Cuenca, Ana L.;
Análisis de la mortalidad expósita de la Inclusa de Toledo (1900-1930)
Levene, Alysa;
Childcare, Health, and Mortality at the London Foundling Hospital, 1741-1800: “Left to the Mercy of the World”
Patrizia Cincinnati;
Note sulla storia della pediatria in Italia dall'unità al secondo dopoguerra
Rembis, Michael A.;
Defining Deviance: Sex, Science, and Delinquent Girls, 1890--1960
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