Oräzie-Vallino, Fabienne Charlotte (Author)
Il percorso che ha portato alla odierna consapevolezza ecologica si è snodato durante lunghe generazioni. Questo libro, senza avere la pretesa di esplorarlo nella sua completezza, esamina figure di scienziati, studiosi e artisti, di politici, giuristi e attivisti, che hanno diffuso concetti e teorie o promosso interventi concreti che lo hanno fatto progredire: stupiscono sovente per la loro modernità, in quanto le loro posizioni precedono – anche di molto tempo – quelle dei nostri giorni. Seguendo i loro discorsi e scritti, analizzando le loro attività si nota come oggi esista un notevole ritardo in non poche situazioni. [Abstract translated by DeepL Translator: This is the abstract in English… The path that has led to today's ecological awareness has unfolded over long generations. This book examines figures of scientists, scholars and artists, of politicians, jurists and activists, who spread concepts and theories or promoted concrete interventions that advanced the ecological debate: they are often astonishing in their modernity, as their positions precede-even by a long time-those of our own day. By following their speeches and writings and analyzing their activities, one can see that there is a considerable lag in not a few situations today.]
Unger, Nancy C.;
Beyond Nature's Housekeepers: American Women in Environmental History
Sellers, Christopher C.;
Crabgrass Crucible: Suburban Nature and the Rise of Environmentalism in Twentieth-Century America
Kilcup, Karen L;
Fallen Forests: Emotion, Embodiment, and Ethics in American Women's Environmental Writing, 1781--1924
John T. Cumbler;
Cape Cod: An Environmental History of a Fragile Ecosystem
Marks, Robert B.;
China: Its Environment and History
Jonsson, Fredrik Albritton;
A History of the Species?
Lewis, Michael L.;
American Wilderness: A New History
Scharff, Virginia;
Seeing Nature through Gender
Frank, Jerry J.;
Making Rocky Mountain National Park: The environmental history of an American treasure
Johnson, Sherry;
Climate and Catastrophe in Cuba and the Atlantic World in the Age of Revolution
Beisaw, April M.;
Environmental History of the Susquehanna Valley around the Time of European Contact
Bowcutt, Frederica;
Tanoak Target: The Rise and Fall of Herbicide Use on a Common Native Tree
Colin Fisher;
Urban Green: Nature, Recreation, and the Working Class in Industrial Chicago
Kinchy, Abby J.;
On the Borders of Post-war Ecology: Struggles over the Ecological Society of America's Preservation Committee, 1917--1946
Franco Lai;
Antropocene: per un'antropologia dei mutamenti socioambientali
Petra Loučová;
"An attempt to look out of the ecxological depression": Samizdat and alternative ecological journalism in communist Czechoslovakia, 1969-1989
Andrew Denning;
Skiing into Modernity: A Cultural and Environmental History
Terry Rugeley;
The River People in Flood Time: The Civil Wars in Tabasco, Spoiler of Empires
Diogo de Carvalho Cabral;
(January 2021)
Meaningful Clearings: Human-Ant Negotiated Landscapes in Nineteenth-Century Brazil
Kumar, Deepak;
Damodaran, Vinita;
D'Souza, Rohan;
The British Empire and the Natural World: Environmental Encounters in South Asia
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