Ieraci Bio, Anna Maria (Author)
A new Greek fragment of John of Alexandria’s Commentary in Hippocr. Epid. vi in the ms Vat. gr. 300 · The article deals with the identification of a new Greek fragment of John of Alexandria’s Commentary on Hippocrates’ Epidemics vi, written on the margins of the text of Theophilus’s De urinis in the ms Vat. gr. 300. The new fragment is an exception among the 43 fragments that are known to us, since it is unrelated to Ibn al-Jazzâr’s Ephodia. The practice of using John’s Commentary as an exegetical tool of a text different from the Ephodia suggests that other fragments of his commentary could be found in the texts copied or used in the same cultural environment; the identification changes the perspective in the study of Vat. gr. 300 and throws a new light on the cultural milieu of the Strait of Messina between the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
Maria Börno;
Sean Coughlin;
Galen on bad style (kakozēlía): Hippocratic exegesis in Galen and some predecessors
Jacques Jouanna;
L’ecdotique dans la Collection des Universités de France: une nouvelle édition de la Loi d’Hippocrate
Amneris Roselli;
The Hippocratic treatise On the Physician: form and content
Fabio Stok;
Fonte e datazione dell'Epistola di Vindiciano a Pentadio
Stèphane Berlier;
Les éditions en grec et en latin du De usu partium de Galien. Synthèse et nouveaux éléments
Pilar Pérez Cañizares;
The aphoristic sentences in the Hippocratic treatise On Affections
Franco Giorgianni;
The hallmark of anonymity. Questions of authorship in the Hippocratic Corpus, specifically regarding the so-called ‘Author C’
Christina Savino;
Sul testo e la tradizione dei Simulanti di Galeno. Indagine preliminare (con un saggio di edizione)
Thibault Miguet;
Deux nouveaux témoins fragmentaires du De constitutione artis medicae ad Patrophilum de Galien
Maria Dorella Giangrasso;
Su due glosse del Laurentianus 74.5 al testo della Galène di Andromaco il Vecchio
Vito Lorusso;
Metodo terapeutico: Libri I-II
Taro Mimura;
Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq and the text of the Hippocratic Aphorisms
Vito Lorusso;
Due anecdota galenici nel Parisinus suppl. gr. 634 e appunti sul Parisinus gr. 1849
Mathias Witt;
Antyllus on the bladder stone in Al-Rzs Kitb Al-W (Rhazes liber continens): A new source for urolithiasis and lithotomy in antiquity
Oliver Overwien;
Prolegomena zu einer neuen Edition von Galens De sectis
Ivan Garofalo;
Il proemio della Methodus medendi di Galeno in greco, arabo, latino: Saggio di edizione e commento
Irene Calà;
Nuovi frammenti di Andrea di Caristo
Aimilios Dim. Mavrodis;
Bemerkungen zum Dynameron des Aelius Promotus
Jacques Jouanna;
Alessia Guardasole;
Une épigramme inédite sur Hippocrate jointe au serment dans deux manuscripts: Laurentianus Plut. 74, 13 et Parisinus Gr. 2596
Robin Lane Fox;
Andrew Meadows;
Dates and measures: history and some Hippocratic texts
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