Book ID: CBB026239631

Carl Wilhelm Scheele and Torbern Bergman: The Science, Lives and Friendship of Two Pioneers in Chemistry (2021)


Lennartson, Anders (Author)


Publication Date: 2021
Physical Details: 452
Language: English

This book tells the story of two of the most important figures in the history of chemistry. Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742–1786) was the first to prepare oxygen and realise that air is a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen; he also discovered many important organic and inorganic substances. His fellow chemist and good friend, Torbern Bergman (1735–1784), was one of the pioneers in analytical and physical chemistry. In this carefully researched biography, the author, Anders Lennartson, explains the chemistry of Scheele and Bergman while putting their discoveries in the context of other 18th-century chemistry. Much of the information contained in this work is available in English for the first time.

Reviewed By

Review Frank A. J. L. James (2022) Review of "Carl Wilhelm Scheele and Torbern Bergman: The Science, Lives and Friendship of Two Pioneers in Chemistry". Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (pp. 196-197). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Saltzman, Martin D.
Strom, E. Thomas
Baker, Anthony T.
Cassebaum, Heinz
Chabot, Hugues
Cotter, Donald
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Archives of Natural History
Historical Records of Australian Science
Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie
American Chemical Society
Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Press
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Organic chemistry
Physical chemistry
Discovery in science
Scientific communities; interprofessional relations
Scheele, Carl Wilhelm
Baker, John William
Bergman, Torbern Olof
Davy, Humphry
Franklin, Benjamin
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis
Time Periods
18th century
19th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
21st century
Yorkshire (England)
California Institute of Technology
Cambridge University
University of Chicago
Leeds University (UK)

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