Article ID: CBB023675032

Cases from Ujam’s Miscellaneous Writings (ca. 1833–56) by Chang T’ae-gyŏng (2016)


Chang T’ae-gyŏng 張泰慶 (1809–87) recorded the details of 47 medical cases and 130 prescriptions in his medical treatise Ujam’s Miscellaneous Writings (Ujam chapchŏ 愚岑雜著).1 As a scholarly physician, Chang treated people of all ages and both sexes in what is today Kwangju, South Chŏlla, the south-western province of Korea. In the hope of documenting his knowledge and experience for the benefit of later generations, Chang collated the various cases and prescriptions together with some brief associated writings, such as his own theory of acupuncture, parts of a poem that he had composed, his friend’s poem in response, an explanation of the meaning of his sobriquet ‘Ujam’ (ho 號), and a ‘written prayer’ (ch’ukmun 祝文) for the text. Although they were circulated locally, it appears that Chang’s cases were not officially published during his lifetime. Chang’s descriptions of his healing activities not only exemplify scholarly medicine in practice, but in them are also found his dialogic interaction with various patients and folk healers.

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Authors & Contributors
Thompson, C. Michele
Andrews, Bridie J.
Bay, Alexander R.
Bolsokhoyeva, Natalia
Carling, Gerd
Craig, Sienna R.
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science
Social Studies of Science
Stanford University
National University of Singapore Press
University of California Press
East Asia, civilization and culture
Medicine, traditional
Medicine, Chinese traditional
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Medicine and society
Saṅs-rgya-rgya-mtsho, Sde-srid
Time Periods
19th century
17th century
20th century
20th century, early
18th century
20th century, late
Central Asia

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