From 1873 to 1878, the American physicist Josiah Willard Gibbs offered to the scientific community three great articles that proved to be a milestone for the science of thermodynamics. On the other hand, between 1886 and 1896, the French physicist Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem translated thermodynamics into the language of Lagrange’s analytical mechanics. At the same time, he expanded its scope to include thermal phenomena, electromagnetic phenomena, and all kinds of irreversible processes. Duhem formulated a version of thermodynamics characterized by the conceptual unification of mechanics, physics, and chemistry. Overall, the work of both physicists on thermodynamics is tremendous, full of axioms, theorems, corollaries, proofs, and hundreds of equations. Therefore, it would be a utopian aim to provide a short analysis of their work. Instead, the present study will attempt to give a brief outline of the main tools and concepts used by the two physicists. I will argue that each scientist approaches thermodynamics in a new and unique way, which reveals their scientific styles as reflected in their personalities, the writing styles, their behavior toward publicity, and their inclination for publication. Finally, I will examine the influence of their theories on the development of chemical thermodynamics.
Moore, Carl E.;
Smolinski, Alfred von;
Jaselskis, Bruno;
The Ostwald-Gibbs Correspondence: An Interesting Component in the History of The Energy Concept
Clarke, Bruce;
Henderson, Linda Dalrymple;
From Energy to Information: Representation in Science and Technology, Art, and Literature
Raffaele Pisano;
Emilio Marco Pellegrino;
Abdelkader Anakkar;
Maxime Nagels;
Conceptual polymorphism of entropy into the history: extensions of the second law of thermodynamics towards statistical physics and chemistry during nineteenth–twentieth centuries
Alexander Pechenkin;
The History of Research on Chemical Periodic Processes
Bordoni, Stafano;
Routes Towards an Abstract Thermodynamics in the Late Nineteenth Century
Bartel, Hans-Georg;
Huebener, R. P.;
Walther Nernst: Pioneer of Physics and of Chemistry
Berger, Jutta;
Grenzgänge zwischen Physik und Chemie: Thermodynamik und chemische Kinetik - kein Happy-End im 19. Jahrhundert
William B. Jensen;
The Trouble with Thermodynamics
Photis Dais;
The double transfer of thermodynamics: From physics to chemistry and from Europe to America
Kauffman, George B.;
Lars Onsager (1903--1976), Chemist-Physicist, on the Silver Anniversary of His Death
Lavis, D. A.;
Boltzmann and Gibbs: An Attempted Reconciliation
Alessio Rocci;
Back to the roots of vector and tensor calculus: Heaviside versus Gibbs
Sun, Qinghua;
Bao, Fangxun;
Gibbs and His Vector Theory
Michel Morange;
Schummer, Joachim;
Historical Roots of the “Mad Scientist”: Chemists in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Coffey, Patrick;
Cathedrals of Science: The Personalities and Rivalries That Made Modern Chemistry
Carl E. Moore;
Alfred von Smolinski;
Albert Claus;
Daniel J. Graham;
Bruno Jaselskis;
On the First Law of Thermodynamics and the Contribution of Julius Robert Mayer:new Translation and Consideration of a Rejected Manuscript
William B. Jensen;
George Downing Liveing and the Origins of Chemical Thermodynamics in Great Britain
Wisniak, Jaime;
Johannes Jacobus Van Laar Unappreciated Scientist
Hornix, Willem J.;
Mannaerts, S. H. W. M;
Van't Hoff and the Emergence of Chemical Thermodynamics
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