Chapter ID: CBB018707652

Transfer of Credit, Mercantile Mobility, and Language among Jewish Merchants in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Central and East Central Europe (2019)


Though bills of exchange existed since the late Middle Ages, the endorsement and subsequently the joint liability rule, which were slowly accepted in central Europe during the seventeenth century, made them much more suitable for long-distance trade and the provision of credit across political and thus legal boundaries. Jewish merchants across western and central Europe were equally involved in the trade with bills of exchange. Ashkenazi merchants constituted an important link to merchants in eastern Europe, primarily the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The article demonstrates how closely Jewish merchants were integrated into general mercantile networks and how Jewish communities sought to regulate commercial practices. This was particularly the case with the so-called membrana in Polish and mamran in Yiddish, a specific form of debt obligation used in Poland and other parts of east central Europe throughout the early modern period. Special attention is paid to the usage of multiple languages while looking at two levels of interaction, between Jewish and Christian merchants on the one hand, and among Jewish merchants from east and west on the other hand.

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Book Stefania Gialdroni; Dauchy, Serge,; Cordes, Albrecht (2020) Migrating words, migrating merchants, migrating law: trading routes and the development of commercial law. unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Francesca Trivellato
Bickers, Robert
Cohen, Mark R.
Eckert, Edward A.
Efron, Noah J.
Freidenreich, Harriet Pass
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Business History Review
French Historical Studies
Science in Context
Social History of Medicine
International Journal of Historical Archaeology
University of Chicago
Cambridge University Press
Central European University Press
Indiana University Press
New York University Press
Business history
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de
Wu, Bingjian
Time Periods
18th century
17th century
19th century
16th century
20th century
20th century, early
Central Europe
London (England)

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