Article ID: CBB018270667

Making Fast-Track Surgery Transportable: Sino-Danish Travel Work (2021)


This article examines the concrete travel work that enables the global transport of Fast-Track Surgery (FTS), a set of evidence-based, standardized protocols and guidelines for perioperative recovery. Having ethnographically followed FTS training for medical staff from provincial hospitals in China’s Gansu province at a local hospital in Denmark, I show how FTS is made transportable through interactions between Chinese and Danish healthcare professionals in a series of workshops, meetings and educational activities. I argue that the transportability of a health-promoting infrastructure like FTS is neither a matter of technology transfer nor of evidence as such. Rather, it requires a specific kind of travel work in the form of traveling comparisons as a constant two-way dynamic between hospital settings in Denmark and China.

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Authors & Contributors
Hoeyer, Klaus
Heimer, Carol A.
Hogle, Linda F.
Jensen, Casper Bruun
Tsuge, Azumi
Vallgårda, Signild
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Social Studies of Science
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Medical History
Science as Culture
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society
Springer Nature
Science and technology studies (STS)
Health care
Public health
Diffusion of innovation; diffusion of knowledge; diffusion of technology
Medical tourism
Dewey, John
Time Periods
21st century
19th century
20th century
Copenhagen. Universitet
Accountable Care Organizations (Medical care)

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