Hollier, John (Author)
Hollier, Anita (Author)
René-Edouard Claparède was a ground-breaking Swiss naturalist specializing primarily in invertebrate embryology and the study of Protista and Annelida. While a student in Berlin he was encouraged by Christian Ehrenberg to use the latest microscopes and became renowned as a skilful observer and illustrator of the smallest organisms then known and of tiny anatomical details. A popular lecturer in zoology and comparative anatomy in his home town of Geneva, he nonetheless encountered difficulties in that city, still considered the “Protestant Rome”, due to his strong support for Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. His involvement in the first French translation of On the origin of species (Darwin 1862) proved problematic too, although his remark, “It is better to be an improved ape than a degenerate Adam,” became a catchphrase in discussions of this contentious debate. Premature death meant that Claparède's work was quickly surpassed in many areas, but the diversity of his many publications, given here in the most complete bibliography compiled to date, is a testament to a widely respected, although overshadowed, naturalist.
Kathryn Tabb;
Darwin at Orchis Bank: Selection after the Origin
Hooker, Cliff;
Georg Simmel and Naturalist Interactivist Epistemology of Science
Moore, P. G.;
Seaside Natural History and Divinity: A Science-Inclined Scottish Cleric's Avoidance of Evolution (1860--1868)
Roberta Visone;
Selezione naturale ed equilibrio mobile della natura. L'evoluzionismo di Alfred Russel Wallace tra Darwin e Spencer
Rieppel, Olivier;
Williams, David M.;
Ebach, Malte C.;
Adolf Naef (1883--1949): On Foundational Concepts and Principles of Systematic Morphology
Anderson, Lyall I.;
Lowe, Mathew;
Charles W. Peach and Darwin's Barnacles
Kutschera, Ulrich;
Predator-Driven Macroevolution in Flyingfishes Inferred from Behavioural Studies: Historical Controversies and a Hypothesis
Thierry Hoquet;
Pluralizing Darwin: Making Counter-Factual History of Science Significant
Grosz, Elizabeth;
Becoming Undone: Darwinian Reflections on Life, Politics, and Art
Wyhe, John Van;
Dispelling the Darkness: Voyage in the Malay Archipelago and the Discovery of Evolution by Wallace and Darwin
Canseco, Juan;
Conflitto e confronto: l'evoluzionismo materialista di Darwin e l'evoluzionismo spiritualista di Wallace
Wilmer, Clive;
“No Such Thing as a Flower […] No Such Thing as a Man”: John Ruskin's Response to Darwin
Sober, Elliott;
Did Darwin Write the Origin Backwards? Philosophical Essays on Darwin's Theory
Alter, Stephen G.;
Darwin's Artificial Selection Analogy and the Generic Character of “Phyletic” Evolution
Derek Partridge;
Darwin’s Two Theories, 1844 and 1859
Holterhoff, Kate;
The History and Reception of Charles Darwin's Hypothesis of Pangenesis
Essay Review
Ana Barahona;
Non-Darwinian Evolutionary Thought in the 19th Century
Chancellor, Gordon;
Levels of Selection in Darwin's Origin of Species
Richards, Robert J.;
Darwin's Principles of Divergence and Natural Selection: Why Fodor Was Almost Right
Theunissen, Bert;
Darwin and His Pigeons. The Analogy Between Artificial and Natural Selection Revisited
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