Hubbard, Jennifer Mary (Author)
A relatively small, contentious, and long-forgotten meeting, the 1947 Symposium on Fish Populations, had enormous and decades-long repercussions for global fisheries policies. Convened in Toronto by Archibald Gowanlock Huntsman, former director of the Atlantic Biological Station, it drew together leading North American fisheries biologists and professional fishermen. By exposing the lack of agreement on, or understanding of, the nature of overfishing, this meeting made it difficult for later scientists to challenge pro-industry fisheries policies. The published proceedings, in-demand by a tight network of fisheries scientists across North America and the North Atlantic, guaranteed this meeting’s disproportionate and unfortunate impact.
Hubbard, Jennifer;
In the Wake of Politics: The Political and Economic Construction of Fisheries Biology, 1860--1970
Bavington, Dean;
From Hunting Fish to Managing Populations: Fisheries Science and the Destruction of Newfoundland Cod Fisheries
Muscolino, Micah;
Fishing Wars and Environmental Change in Late Imperial and Modern China
Ann Vileisis;
Abalone: The remarkable history and uncertain future of California's iconic shellfish
Finley, Carmel;
All The Fish in The Sea: Maximum Sustainable Yield and the Failure of Fisheries Management
Gregory Ferguson-Cradler;
Fisheries’ collapse and the making of a global event, 1950s–1970s
Patrick Bresnihan;
Transforming the Fisheries: Neoliberalism, Nature, and the Commons
Grasso, Glenn M.;
What Appeared Limitless Plenty: The Rise and Fall of the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Halibut Fishery
Maria Ciotti;
Le "Osservazioni di Fatto, e di Ragione sulla proibizione delle Paranze a Coppia nell'istesso Mare dell’Adriatico" (1774)
Kristoffer Whitney;
It’s about Time: Adaptive Resource Management, Environmental Governance, and Science Studies
Janina Priebe;
Science, Markets and Power: Adolf Severin Jensen in the Debate over Greenland's Fisheries Development during the Early Twentieth Century
Francesco Bottaro;
L’incolto produttivo: pesca e zone umide tra Adige e Colli Euganei nel XV secolo
Wright, Miriam;
Aboriginal Gillnet Fishers, Science, and the State: Salmon Fisheries Management on the Nass and Skeena Rivers, British Columbia, 1951--1961
Payne, Brian J.;
Fishing a Borderless Sea: Environmental Territorialism in the North Atlantic, 1818--1910
Taché, Karine;
Craig, Oliver E.;
Cooperative Harvesting of Aquatic Resources and the Beginning of Pottery Production in North-Eastern North America
Christopher M. Parsons;
(October 2017)
Wildness without Wilderness: Biogeography and Empire in Seventeenth-Century French North America
Morgan, M. J.;
Land of Big Rivers: French and Indian Illinois, 1699--1778
Thrush, Coll;
City of the Changers: Indigenous People and the Transformation of Seattle's Watersheds
Jennifer Bonnell;
Reclaiming the Don: An Environmental History of Toronto's Don River Valley
Erich Weidenhammer;
August Kirschmann and the Material Culture of Colour in Toronto’s Early Psychological Laboratory
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