La ménopause was a term invented to emphasize the non-pathological and strictly female nature of the cessation of menstruation. Post-revolutionary French medical faculties appeared intent on inducting certain student doctors with thesis topics focused on the scientific critique of supposedly traditional and irrational fears of the ‘critical age’. But from its first usage in French medical texts of the early nineteenth century, menopause connoted much more than this though its association with the competing and non-sex-specific terms the ‘critical age’ and the ‘âge de retour’ (‘the turn of age’). Menopause was a concept that transmitted multiple temporal layers from older medical views about the sexes. The new concept was an important tool for the creation of a professional identity that distinguished doctors of women’s health both as the true inheritors of ancient Hippocratic tradition and as the only legitimate scientific clinicians among the competing forces of folk medicine, midwifery and pharmacological charlatanism.
Houck, Judith A.;
“What Do These Women Want?” Feminist Responses to Feminine Forever, 1963--1980
Jasen, Patricia;
Menopause and Historical Constructions of Cancer Risk
Amie Bolissian;
Masculine Old Women or Feminine Old Men? Rethinking Gender and the Ageing Body in Early Modern English Medicine
Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel;
Medicine, Masculinity, and the Disappearance of Male Menopause in the 1950s
Houck, Judith A.;
Hot and Bothered: Women, Medicine, and Menopause in Modern America
Brookes, Barbara;
“The Glands of Destiny”: Hygiene, Hormones and English Women Doctors in the First Half of the 20th Century
Quin, Grégory;
Bohuon, Anaïs;
Muscles, Nerves, and Sex: The Contradictions of the Medical Approach to Female Bodies in Movement in France, 1847--1914
Cryle, Peter;
Vaginismus: A Franco-American Story
Cryle, Peter;
“A Terrible Ordeal from Every Point of View”: (Not) Managing Female Sexuality on the Wedding Night
Lacy, Cherilyn;
Education, Mutualism, and Medical Consumers in Third Republic France, 1882--1914
Mitchinson, Wendy;
No Longer the Same Woman: Medical Perceptions of Menopause, 1900--1950
Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel;
The Estrogen Elixir: A History of Hormone Replacement Therapy in America
Stolberg, Michael;
A Woman's Hell? Medical Perceptions of Menopause in Preindustrial Europe
Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel;
The Medicalisation of Male Menopause in America
Mak, Geertje;
Hermaphrodites on Show: The Case of Katharina/Karl Hohmann and Its Use in Nineteenth-Century Medical Science
Cleminson, Richard;
Vázquez García, Francisco;
Hermaphroditism, Medical Science, and Sexual Identity in Spain, 1850--1960
Schochow, Maximilian;
In den Leib geschnitten. Produktionsformen des biologischen Geschlechts
Klöppel, Ulrike;
XX0XY ungelöst: Hermaphroditismus, Sex und Gender in der deutschen Medizin; eine historische Studie zur Intersexualität
Helen Zhao;
Marina DiMarco;
Kelsey Ichikawa;
Marion Boulicault;
Meg Perret;
Kai Jillson;
Alexandra Fair;
Kai DeJesus;
Sarah S. Richardson;
Making a ‘sex-difference fact’: Ambien dosing at the interface of policy, regulation, women’s health, and biology
Caballero Navas, C.;
Mujeres, cuerpos y literatura médica medieval en hebreo
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