Ancillotti, Mirko (Author)
Holmberg, Niklas (Author)
Lindfelt, Mikael (Author)
Eriksson, Stefan (Author)
Synthetic biology will probably have a high impact on a variety of fields, such as healthcare, environment, biofuels, agriculture, and so on. A driving theme in European research policy is the importance of maintaining public legitimacy and support. Media can influence public attitudes and are therefore an important object of study. Through qualitative content analysis, this study investigates the press coverage of synthetic biology in the major Nordic countries between 2009 and 2014. The press coverage was found to be event-driven and there were striking similarities between countries when it comes to framing, language use, and treated themes. Reporters showed a marked dependence on their sources, mainly scientists and stakeholders, who thus drives the media agenda. The media portrayal was very positive, with an optimistic look at future benefits and very little discussion of possible risks.
Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard;
Sørensen, Henrik Kragh;
Perspectives on Scandinavian Science in the Early Twentieth Century
Gunver Lystbæk Vestergård;
Kristian H. Nielsen;
From the Preserves of the Educated Elite to Virtually Everywhere: A Content Analysis of Danish Science News in 1999 and 2012
Asdal, Kristin;
Gradmann, Christoph;
Introduction: Science, Technology, Medicine---and the State: The Science-State Nexus in Scandinavia, 1850--1980
Johansson, Magnus;
Big Blue Gets Beaten
Sörlin, Sverker;
Circumpolar Science: Scandinavian Approaches to the Arctic and the North Atlantic, ca. 1920 to 1960
Rödder, Simone;
Franzen, Martina;
Weingart, Peter;
The Sciences' Media Connection: Public Communication and Its Repercussions
James Owen Weatherall;
Cailin O’Connor;
Justin P. Bruner;
How to Beat Science and Influence People: Policymakers and Propaganda in Epistemic Networks
Olivier Bégin-Caouette;
The Perceived Impact of Eight Systemic Factors on Scientific Capital Accumulation
Myllyntaus, Timo;
Discovering Switzerland: Internationalisation among Nordic Students of Technology prior to World War II
Kerstin Enflo;
Eduard Alvarez-Palau;
Jordi Marti-Henneberg;
Transportation and regional inequality: the impact of railways in the Nordic countries, 1860–1960
Wibeck, Victoria;
Social Representations of Climate Change in Swedish Lay Focus Groups: Local or Distant, Gradual or Catastrophic?
Anja Bauer;
Alexander Bogner;
Let’s (not) talk about synthetic biology: Framing an emerging technology in public and stakeholder dialogues
Yli-Kauhaluoma, Sari;
Hänninen, Hannu;
Tale Taming Radioactive Fears: Linking Nuclear Waste Disposal to the “Continuum of the Good”
Marjoleine G. van der Meij;
Jacqueline E. W. Broerse;
Frank Kupper;
(December 2017)
Supporting Citizens in Reflection on Synthetic Biology by Means of Video-Narratives
Hilde Norrgrén;
Hans Egede (1686–1758) and the Alchemical Tradition in Denmark-Norway
Medeiros, Flavia Natercia da Silva;
Fora da ordem natural: a natureza nos discursos sobre a clonagem e a pesquisa com células-tronco em jornais brasileiros
Massarani, Luisa;
Ciência, tecnologia, parlamento e os diálogos com os cidadãos
Kathleen Hall Jamieson;
Dan Kahan;
Dietram A. Scheufele;
The Oxford Handbook of the Science of Science Communication
Wittkower, D. E.;
Selinger, Evan;
Rush, Lucinda;
Public Philosophy of Technology: Motivations, Barriers, and Reforms
Nielsen, Kristian H.;
Expedition “Live”: Science, Media, and Politics on the Galathea 3 Expedition, 2006--2007
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