Book ID: CBB012397496

Individuals Across the Sciences (2015)


Guay, Alexandre (Editor)
Pradeu, Thomas (Editor)

Oxford University Press

Publication Date: 2015
Physical Details: 424
Language: English

What are individuals? How can they be identified? These are crucial questions for philosophers and scientists alike. Criteria of individuality seem to differ markedly between metaphysics and the empirical sciences - and this might well explain why no work has hitherto attempted to relate thecontributions of metaphysics, physics and biology on this question. This timely volume brings together various strands of research into 'individuality', examining how different sciences handle the issue, and reflecting on how this scientific work relates to metaphysical concerns. The collectionmakes a major contribution to clarifying and overcoming obstacles to the construction of a general conception of the individual adequate for both physics and biology, and perhaps even beyond.

Reviewed By

Essay Review Axel Gelfert (2016) Metaphysics Meets the Sciences. Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (pp. 491-495). unapi

Review Karen Kovaka (2017) Review of "Individuals Across the Sciences". Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (pp. 50-53). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Bueno, Otávio
Althoff, Jochen
Arthur, Richard T. W.
Belkind, Ori
Bock, Walter J.
Bolton, Robert
Antike Naturwissenschaft und Ihre Rezeption
Biology and Philosophy
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Foundations of Science
Oxford University Press
Carocci Editore
ENS Editions
Lexington Books
State University of New York Press
Philosophy of science
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von
Des Bosses, Barthélémy
Descartes, René
Duhem, Pierre
Everett, Hugh, III
Time Periods
17th century
20th century
18th century
21st century
20th century, late

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