Article ID: CBB011400565

Augustinus Ricius, On the Motion of the Eighth Sphere (2021)


In the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries the vast majority of European astronomers accepted the algorithm for the motion of the eighth sphere (the sphere of the fixed stars) included in the Parisian Alfonsine Tables which has two terms, one for uniform motion with a period of 49,000 years, and the other for a cyclical motion with a period of 7,000 years. Augustinus Ricius (fl. 1513), however, adhered to the tradition of uniform motion of the eighth sphere (now called precession) and Ricius concluded that the rate of precession lies between 1° in 66 years and 1° in 70 years. For 1° in 66 years, he depended on Levi ben Gerson (d. 1344) and Abraham Zacut (d. 1514). For 1° in 70 years, he depended on other Hebrew sources: Moses Maimonides (d. 1204), Abraham Ibn Ezra (d. 1167), and a story in the Babylonian Talmud about R. Gamaliel and R. Joshua. It is most unusual in early sixteenth-century astronomical texts to find citations of works directly from the original Hebrew and clearly Ricius had firsthand knowledge of them.

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Authors & Contributors
Goldstein, Bernard R.
Chabás, José
Arbel, Benjamin
Bos, Gerrit
Fraenkel, Carlos
King, David A.
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Cambridge University Press
Brepols Publishers
Hebrew language
Arabic language
Jewish civilization and culture
Knowledge circulation
Dollard, John
Galeano, Moses ben Judah
Ibn al-Shāṭir, ʿAlā al-Dīn ʿAlī Ibn Ibrāhīm
Ibn Tibbon, Shmuel
Isaac Israeli, The Elder
Time Periods
16th century
17th century
14th century
12th century
Venice (Italy)
John Rylands Univeristy Library of Manchester
United States. Army

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