Goldstein, Bernard R. (Author)
Chabás, José (Author)
In the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries the vast majority of European astronomers accepted the algorithm for the motion of the eighth sphere (the sphere of the fixed stars) included in the Parisian Alfonsine Tables which has two terms, one for uniform motion with a period of 49,000 years, and the other for a cyclical motion with a period of 7,000 years. Augustinus Ricius (fl. 1513), however, adhered to the tradition of uniform motion of the eighth sphere (now called precession) and Ricius concluded that the rate of precession lies between 1° in 66 years and 1° in 70 years. For 1° in 66 years, he depended on Levi ben Gerson (d. 1344) and Abraham Zacut (d. 1514). For 1° in 70 years, he depended on other Hebrew sources: Moses Maimonides (d. 1204), Abraham Ibn Ezra (d. 1167), and a story in the Babylonian Talmud about R. Gamaliel and R. Joshua. It is most unusual in early sixteenth-century astronomical texts to find citations of works directly from the original Hebrew and clearly Ricius had firsthand knowledge of them.
Langermann, Y. Tzvi;
From My Notebooks: A Compendium of Renaissance Science: Taʿalumot ḥoḵmah by Moses Galeano
Bernard R. Goldstein;
José Chabás;
New Evidence on Abraham Zacut’s Astronomical Tables
Bernard R. Goldstein;
José Chabás;
Levi ben Gerson and Augustinus Ricius on the Moon
Tal Arbel;
Fear in Hebrew: Militarized Behaviorism and the Cultural Politics of Science in Translation
Walmir Thomazi Cardoso;
Roberto de Andrade Martins;
Iberian Approaches to Astronomy During the Sixteenth Century
Barbara Bienias;
Edward Gresham’s Astrostereon, or A Discourse of the Falling of the Planet (1603), the Copernican paradox, and the construction of early modern proto-scientific discourse
Edouard Mehl;
Isabelle Pantin;
De mundi recentioribus phænomenis. Cosmologie et science dans l’Europe des Temps modernes, XVe - XVIIe siècles. Essais en l’honneur de Miguel Ángel Granada
Goldstein, Bernard R.;
A Table of New Moons from 1501 to 1577 in a Hebrew Fragment Preserved in the John Rylands Library
Lévy, Tony;
L'Algèbre arabe dans les textes hébraïques (II). Dans l'Italie des XVe et XVIe siècles, sources arabes et sources vernaculaires
Benjamin Arbel;
Elijah of Pesaro’s Description of Famagusta (1563)
Gerrit Bos;
Klaus-Dietrich Fischer;
A Glimpse into Medical Practice among Jews around 1500: Latin-German Pharmaceutical Glossaries in Hebrew Characters extant in Ms Leiden Universiteitsbibliotheek, Cod. Or. 4732/1 (SCAL 15), fols. 1a–17b
Fraenkel, Carlos;
Maimonides, Averroes, and Samuel Ibn Tibbon on a Skandalon of Medieval Science
Bernard R. Goldstein;
A Report in Hebrew of a Bright Object in the Sky in 1473
Bernard R. Goldstein;
Preliminary Remarks on Medieval Hebrew Trigonometric Tables
Lindberg, David C.;
Shank, Michael H.;
The Cambridge History of Science: Volume 2, Medieval Science
Shlomo Sela;
Abraham Ibn Ezra's Scholarly Writings: An Update
Ilana Wartenberg;
A Non-Linear Transmission of Euclid's Elements in a Medieval Hebrew Calendrical Treatise
Bernard R. Goldstein;
Astronomy in Hebrew in Istanbul: Abraham ben Yom Ṭov Yerushalmi (fl. 1510)
King, David A.;
An Astrolabe from 14th-Century Christian Spain with Inscriptions in Latin, Hebrew and Arabic: A Unique Testimonial to an Intercultural Encounter
Robinson, James T.;
The First References in Hebrew to al-Biṭrūjī's On the Principles of Astronomy
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