Orchiston, Wayne (Editor)
Vahia, Mayank (Editor)
This edited volume contains 24 different research papers by members of the History and Heritage Working Group of the Southeast Asian Astronomy Network. The chapters were prepared by astronomers from Australia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Scotland, Sweden, Thailand and Vietnam. They represent the latest understanding of cultural and scientific interchange in the region over time, from ethnoastronomy to archaeoastronomy and more.Gathering together researchers from various locales, this volume enabled new connections to be made in service of building a more holistic vision of astronomical history in Southeast Asia, which boasts a proud and deep tradition.
Raj, Kapil;
Beyond Postcolonialism … and Postpositivism: Circulation and the Global History of Science
Taewoo Kim;
Tradition on the Move
Luo, Liqun;
The Issue of Historical Conception Involved in Explaining Needham Puzzle I and A Tentative Solution
Maurice Clavelin;
Galilée, cosmologie et science du mouvement: Suivi de Regards sur l'empirisme au XXe siècle
Carla Nappi;
Paying Attention: Early Modern Science Beyond Genealogy
Antonio Sánchez;
Henrique Leitão;
Artisanal Culture in Early Modern Iberian and Atlantic Worlds
Henry, John;
Ideology, Inevitability, and the Scientific Revolution
Kapil Raj;
Thinking Without the Scientific Revolution: Global Interactions and the Construction of Knowledge
Claire Farago;
‘Ingenuity’ and Artists’ Ways of Knowing
Sébastien Plutniak;
Sophie Beaune;
Alessandro Guidi;
Oscar Moro Abadía;
Massimo Tarantini;
Abstraction in Archaeological Stratigraphy: a Pyrenean Lineage of Innovation (late 19th-early 21th century
Yaakov Zik;
Giora Hon;
History of Science and Science Combined: Solving a Historical Problem in Optics—The Case of Galileo and His Telescope
Pietro Daniel Omodeo;
Volkhard Wels;
Natural Knowledge and Aristotelianism at Early Modern Protestant Universities
Barbara Bienias;
Edward Gresham’s Astrostereon, or A Discourse of the Falling of the Planet (1603), the Copernican paradox, and the construction of early modern proto-scientific discourse
Godley, Douglas;
The New Star of 1572 and the Ascendancy of the Mathematical over the Causal Epistemology of Natural Philosophy
Chu, Pingyi;
Zhanwang Taiwan de keji yu liliaoshi yenjiu: Yige Taiwan dangdai zhishi sheqiun de fenxi
Eberhard-Bréard, Andrea;
Dauben, Joseph W.;
Xu, Yibao;
The History of Chinese Mathematics: The Past 25 Years
Sivin, Nathan;
A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Research on Ancient Science
Qu, An-jing;
Revisiting two movements of research in the history of Chinese mathematics
Xu, Zelin;
Nationalism and East Asian Mathematical Historiography
Low, Morris;
The History of Japanese Science: Recent Developments
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