Chapter ID: CBB003206047

L'estimo preteresiano di Boffeto. Un'inedita fonte cartografica settecentesca per la storia della metallurgia (2022)


This article presents the pre-Teresian land register of the community of Boffetto (Sondrio), an extremely interesting unpublished eighteenth-century cartographic document that is an important source for the history of metallurgy. The folder contains the six surviving dossiers of a more substantial register, linked to a series of original maps that were made to quantify property, houses and land, and assess the activities conducted in the territory in order to establish the tax burden for each property owner. By analysing the criteria that inspired the land registers of the Grison overlords during almost three centuries and by presenting the contents of the surviving dossiers, the study focused on six maps, distributed between the various districts of the municipality of Boffetto, stretching from the valley bottom of the river Adda up to an altitude of over a thousand metres. Each map was carefully chosen to explore the cycle of iron ore mining and iron working and the cartographic representation of the buildings and structures that were part of it.

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Authors & Contributors
Paolo de Vingo
Ilaria Sanmartino
Luzzini, Francesco
Francesco Ghilotti
Giorgio Baratti
Riccardo Rao
Geostorie, Bolletino e Notiziario del Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici
Franco Angeli
Insegna del Giglio
Mines and mining
Environmental history
Landscape; landscapes
Arduino, Giovanni
Time Periods
Early modern
19th century
20th century
18th century
Alps (Europe)
Tuscany (Italy)

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