Essay Review ID: CBB001566765

The Vicissitudes of Mathematical Reason in the 20th Century (2012)


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Authors & Contributors
Frost-Arnold, Gregory G.
Alonso, Enrique
Edmonds, David
Feichtinger, Johannes
Fengler, Silke
Gavroglu, Kostas
Arbor: Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
History and Philosophy of Logic
University of Pittsburgh
Cambridge University Press
A.K. Peters
Basic Books
Open Court
Scientific communities; interprofessional relations
Philosophy of mathematics
Mathematics and its relationship to science
Tarski, Alfred
Weyl, Hermann
Carnap, Rudolf
Gödel, Kurt
Noether, Emmy
Quine, Willard Van Orman
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, early
19th century
15th century
21st century
Vienna (Austria)
Boston (Massachusetts, U.S.)
Padua (Italy)
Vienna Circle
Harvard University
Universität Göttingen
International Astronomical Union (IAU)

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