Thesis ID: CBB001562983

The spaceflight revolution: An historical and ethnographic study of the technological social movement responsible for the development of modern space rocketry


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Authors & Contributors
Asimov, Isaac
Biddle, Wayne
Bond, Alan
Ciancone, Michael L.
Durand-de-Jongh, France
Erickson, Andrew S.
Journal of the British Interplanetary Society
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie
VIET: Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki
Published for the American Astronautical Society by Univelt, Inc.
Franz Steiner Verlag
Rutgers University Press
Rockets; rocketry
Space travel; space flight
Space research and exploration
Space programs
Technology and war; technology and the military
Von Braun, Wernher
Bure, Johan
Hickam, Homer H.
Miasishchev, Vladimir Mikhailovich
Time Periods
20th century
Berlin (Germany)
United States
European Space Agency (ESA)
General Electric
Reaction Motors, Inc.
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
American Rocket Society

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