Thesis ID: CBB001562172

Transformations for the market: Science, technology and power in the South Indian silk industry (2002)


Weeks, Electra Ingham (Author)

New School for Social Research
Rapp, Rayna

Publication Date: 2002
Edition Details: Advisor: Rapp, Rayna
Physical Details: 163 pp.
Language: English

Description Cited in Diss. Abstr. Int. A 63 (2003): 2920. UMI order no. 3062392.

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Authors & Contributors
Cerulli, Anthony Michael
Downey, Greg
Gopakumara, Govind
Hodges, Sarah
Ogborn, Miles
Onaga, Lisa A.
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
History of Science
Journal of the History of Biology
NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
New Books Network Podcast
Oxford University Press
Cambridge University Press
ACM Press
Boydell Press
Technology and society
Great Britain, colonies
Technology and politics
Medicine, ayurvedic
Kellogg, Vernon Lyman
Toyama, Kametaro
Bhāratacandra Rāẏa
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
21st century
18th century
20th century, early
14th century
South India
United States
Bengal (India)
Tamil Nadu (India)
British East India Company
East India Company (English)

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