Thesis ID: CBB001562123

Wiring the World: United States Foreign Policy and Global Strategic Communications, 1914--1921 (2004)


Winkler, Jonathan Reed (Author)

Yale University
Gaddis, John Lewis

Publication Date: 2004
Edition Details: Advisor: Gaddis, John Lewis
Physical Details: 424 pp.
Language: English

This dissertation is a study of United States foreign relations from during the period of the First World War. In it, the author seeks to explain how civilian and military officials discovered the strategic significance of global communications technology--submarine telegraph cables and long distance radio-- to the nation's diplomatic, military and commercial interests abroad. The wartime actions of Britain and Germany to protect their own cable and radio networks and destroy those of their opponent, in the first significant instances of information warfare, had great effect upon the United States. U.S. officials came to perceive that the existing network of submarine telegraph cables and long distance radio stations were insufficient or under too much foreign control for the nation's needs. They then acted to correct the problem through a variety of domestic and international policies. Though ambitious in scope and design, these efforts did not yield the anticipated results. Instead, they laid the groundwork for significant accomplishments later in the 20th century, such as satellite communications and the Internet, that undergirded the rise of the United States to global predominance. A story largely overlooked by historians, it encompasses U.S. relations with Europe, Latin America and Asia, and examines two distinct technologies. Built upon extensive archival research in private and public records from the United States and Great Britain, this interdisciplinary work lays at the intersection of diplomatic, military, intelligence, technologic and business history.


Description Cited in Diss. Abstr. Int. A 65/03 (2004): 1088. UMI pub. no. 3125329.

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Authors & Contributors
MacDougall, Robert Duncan
Beauchamp, Christopher
Billington, David P., Jr.
Frost, Gary Lewis
Gethmann, Daniel
John, Richard R.
Technology and Culture
American Heritage of Invention and Technology
American Quarterly
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Harvard University
Indiana University
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
Columbia University Press
Cornell University Press
Harvard University Press
Communication technology
Telegraphs; telephones
Technology and society
Broadcasting, radio and television
Armstrong, Edwin Howard
Bell, Alexander Graham
De Forest, Lee
Sarnoff, David
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
20th century
United States
Great Britain
Radio Corporation of America
Bell Telephone Laboratories
International Telephone and Telegraph Company
American Telephone and Telegraph Company
Marconi Company

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