Folk, Holly (Author)
My dissertation contributes to the study of alternative religion and medicine by examining the early history of chiropractic. My work focuses on the lives and thought of Daniel David Palmer and his son Joshua Bartlett Palmer. In creating chiropractic, D.D. Palmer and B.J. Palmer drew on a distinct physiology that had broad public support through much of the nineteenth century. Health ideology was one manifestation of a greater popular intellectual culture, which carried a set of metaphysical ideas that informed both American spiritual and scientific understandings. These ideas derived from eighteenth-century and older European vitalism and created a common logic for popular conceptions about physiology that recurred in the theories of many irregular medical systems. Today, chiropractic is the most successful form of alternative medicine in America. Despite widespread acknowledgment that it has become part of "mainstream" healthcare, however, chiropractic continues to reflect many of the impulses associated with its early history. Furthermore, themes in the chiropractic story have resonated across a wide range of American healing and spiritual movements.
...MoreDescription Cited in Diss. Abstr. Int. A 67/06 (2006). UMI pub. no. 3223040.
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