This thesis considers the role of individual members and groups of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in the development of therapeutic communities and other types of therapy that consider social environments. The thesis focuses on the history of one specific therapeutic community (anonymised in the research) established and governed by a group of Quakers. The study also provides a contextual history of therapeutic environments, particularly those involving Quakers. The thesis then considers attitudes towards dealing with conflict, and how this topic has been explored in notions of 'youth' and 'adolescence', in therapeutic environments, and in Quakerism. This work was initiated as the first studentship to be supported collaboratively by the University of Birmingham and the Institute for the History and Work of Therapeutic Environments. The thesis is just one part of a process of encouraging multidisciplinary discussion of this topic among historians, archivists, practitioners and policy makers.
...MoreDescription Cited in ProQuest Diss. & Thes. (2012). Proquest Doc. ID 1040310646.
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